Page 15 - am2018 book
P. 15

Lord Krishna) fes val days is very beneficial for giving the body an op-
      portunity to purify itself. There are approximately twenty-four Ekadasi
      days and eight major fes val days a year that are recommended for
      fas ng.

      All func ons of the body should be regulated including sexual ac vity.
      It takes about two pounds of food to make one drop of blood. Forty or
      more drops of blood are required to make one drop of semen. In the
      Patanjali Yoga Sastras it is said: maranam bindu patanat, / jivanam bin-
      du  rakshanat  –  was ng  semen  (or  cervical  fluids  in  women)  for  sex
      pleasure  is  self-destruc ve;  preserva on  of  semen  gives  life  (using  it
      only for procrea on, otherwise refraining from sex indugence). Semen
      is the real vitality in men. It is the hidden treasure in man. It imparts
      brahma-tejas  (brahminical  power  to  control  lust,  anger,  greed,  envy,
      etc.) to the face and strength to the intellect.

      Maharaja Yudhisthira (the ideal Vedic king that ruled the en re world
      5000 years ago) ques oned Narada Muni (an exalted Vedic Saint) how
      to develop a perfect society for human civiliza on and the ul mate reli-
      gious prac ce for eternal salva on. Narada Muni answered:

      These are the general principles to be followed by all human beings:
      truthfulness,  mercy,  austerity  (observing  fasts  on  certain  days of the
      month), bathing twice a day, tolerance, discrimina on between right
      and  wrong,  control  of  the  mind,  control  of  the  senses,  nonvio-
      lence,  celibacy,  charity,  reading  of  scripture,  simplicity,  sa sfac on,
      rendering service to saintly persons, gradually taking leave of unneces-
      sary engagements, observing the fu lity of the unnecessary ac vi es of
      human  society,  remaining  silent  and  grave  and  avoiding  unnecessary
      talk, considering whether one is the body or the soul, distribu ng food
      equally to all living en  es (both men and animals), seeing every soul
      (especially in the human form) as a part of the Supreme Lord, hearing
      about the ac vi es and instruc ons given by the Supreme Personality
      of Godhead (who is the shelter of the saintly persons), chan ng about
      these ac vi es and instruc ons, always remembering these ac vi es
      and instruc ons, trying to render service, performing worship, offering
      obeisances, becoming a servant, becoming a friend, and surrendering
      one's whole self. O King Yudhiṣṭhira, these thirty qualifica ons must be
      acquired in the human form of life. Simply by acquiring these qualifica-

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