Page 14 - am2018 book
P. 14

nal tract with posi ve bacteria. This is especially important if one has
      received an bio c tablets as these destroy the good and bad bacteria.
      In general, the bad bacteria proliferate faster than the good bacteria
      and subvert one’s health for years unless there is regular consump on
      of probio c foods.

      Along  with  probio cs,  live  diges ve  enzymes  are  also  necessary  to
      maintain maximum health. One can consume raw foods especially
      fresh spouts which are the best source of natural diges ve enzymes.

      Maintaining  regular  habits  of  ea ng  and  sleeping  is  essen al  for
      health. Sickness is caused by irregular habits especially staying up late
      at night a er 10 PM and waking up late the next day. Early to bed and
      early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise. One should
      take rest before 10 PM and wake up at least one and a half hours be-
      fore sunrise. The period of early morning before sunrise is the most
      favorable  me to make spiritual progress.

      Ea ng  at  regular  intervals  of  four  hours  is  beneficial  for  diges on.
      Snacking between meals ruins the diges on. The last meal should be at
      6 PM so that by 10 PM one has digested properly and is ready for a
      res ul, deep sleep without overburdening the body with undigested

      Avoid over-s mula ng foods and beverages. Alcohol, coffee, tea, so
      drinks etc are not fit for consump on by a person interested in main-
      taining op mal health and stamina. Whenever one experiences cons -
      pa on, bloa ng, headache, cough, cold, or upset stomach, give your
      diges ve tract a rest by going on a fresh juice fast and two to three
      days. The Ayurvedic blends called Triphala and Trikatu work miracles
      for  maintaining  maximum  health  or  quick  recovery  from  sickness.
      Triphala is a mix of three fruits (amla, behera and haritaki). Trikatu is a
      blend of three spices (ginger, black pepper and Indian long pepper).
      Take one or two capsules of Trikatu a er every meal to improve diges-
       on, heartbeat and blood circula on. Right before sleep at night take
      four or five capsules of Triphala, which will clear the intes nes, purify
      the liver and blood.

      Fas ng  from  grains  on  Ekadasi  (eleven  days  a er  the  full  moon  and
      eleven days a er the new moon) and other Vaisnava (worshipers of

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