Page 12 - am2018 book
P. 12

palatable in themselves, can be made pleasant when mixed with milk
      or other foods. They are then in the mode of goodness. All these foods
      are  pure  by  nature.  They  are  quite  dis nct  from  untouchable  things
      like  meat  and  liquor.  Fa y  foods,  as  men oned  in  the  eighth  verse,
      have no connec on with animal fat obtained by slaughter. Animal fat is
      available in the form of milk, which is the most wonderful of all foods.
      Milk,  bu er,  cheese  and  similar  products  give  animal  fat  in  a  form
      which rules out any need for the killing of innocent creatures. It is only
      through brute mentality that this killing goes on. The civilized method
      of obtaining needed fat is by milk. Slaughter is the way of subhumans.
      Protein  is  amply  available  through  split  peas,  dāl,  whole  wheat,
      etc.  ( Bg 17.10 – purport)

       The ideal diet should protect the natural acid/alkaline balances of the
      body. The saliva and blood are slightly alkaline; the skin and scalp are
      slightly acid; mucus is alkaline to protect  ssue in acidic environments,
      such as in the stomach. The following dietary sugges on are meant to
      maintain the proper acid/alkaline balance of the body:

      A proper diet will improve the immune system of the body which in
      turn  will  address  effec vely  all  health  problems  naturally.  Food  judi-
      ciously chosen is the best medicine.

      Please follow three principles for a healthy diet:
      1. 50/50 principle - every meal should be 50% raw and 50% cooked

      2. Don't snack between meals and give yourself at least four hours to
      digest food

      3. Don't mix proteins, carbohydrates and sugars at the same  me.

      An example of a carbohydrate meal is:
      Organic brown rice or millet or quinoa, cooked vegetables, large salad
      (baby  spinach,  le uce,  cucumbers,  grated  daikon  radish,  grated  car-
      rots, grated cabbage, tomatoes, celery, parsley or cilantro, fresh lem-
      on, olive oil), unrefined sea salt and sea veggies, Uncle Harry's grain-
      free Asafoe da), baked potato or baked sweet potato.

      An example of a protein meal is:

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