Page 9 - Ananda Mela 2017 eBook
P. 9

blood of toxic chemicals and balance the three doshas namely vaat (air),

     pi a  (bile),  kapha  (mucus).  They  have  the  capability  to  cure  a  wide
     variety of diseases. Panchagavya promotes growth, provides immunity,
     increases yield and be er root and leaf development in plants.

            There are five products from Vedic cows that are considered to
     be the most beneficial for maintaining heath, physical and mental well‐
     being. They are:

         Milk  (द ू ध):  According  to  Ayurveda,  cow  milk  provides  special  and
         unique nutri on that cannot be derived from any other type of food.
         Cow  milk,  when  digested  properly,  nourishes  all  the   ssues,
         nourishes immune system to respond to any sickness of the body or
         mind. It is one of the most important foods to promote Ojas (the
         force that maintains life).

         Y  o  g  u  r  t     (  दही):  Yogurt  is  a  byproduct  of  cow  milk.  All  the  leading
         prac  oners  of  Ayurveda,  including  Charaka  and  Sushruta,  have
         wri en on its quali es and usefulness. It is considered as one of the
         most wholesome food items throughout  the  world. The regular
         consump on  of  Yogurt  has  effec ve  therapeu c  value  for  many
         diseases. It has been described as a tonic and is credited with the
         proper es that prevent premature aging. Curd also brings relief to
         pa ents of diarrhea and dysentery and is recommended in chronic
         specific and non‐specific coli s. Fresh yogurt made with live cultures
         is a good source of protein (one cup yogurt) as well as B‐complex
         vitamins, calcium (450 milligrams), potassium, phosphorus, and folic
         acid.  People  taking  an bio cs  (which  destroy  lac c  flora  in  the
         intes nes) are o en advised to replace the healthy bacteria which
         supports good diges on and relieves bloa ng and cons pa on.

         Makkhan (म न) / Ghee (घी): Makkhan or ghee is wrongly called
         bu er. Ghee is made by churning the yogurt while bu er is made
         (these days) by separa ng the cream from raw unheated milk. Ghee
         is prepared by hea ng it a er filtering water and milk solids from it.
         Ghee is cream to yellowish in color depending on the cow’s breed
         and the quality of natural grasses it consumes at different seasons of
         the year.

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