Page 5 - Ananda Mela 2017 eBook
P. 5
your service to help you by prac cal sugges on and assistance
For the me being, if you actually want to develop such ideal
asrama, we must have sufficient land, and all other things will
gradually grow. Raising crops from the land, how many men will
be required‐‐that we must es mate and for herding the cows and
feeding them. Must have sufficient pasturing ground to feed the
animals all round. We have to maintain the animals throughout
their life. We must not make any program for selling them to the
slaughterhouses. That is the way of cow protec on.
Krishna by His prac cal example taught us to give all protec on
to the cows and that should be the main business of New
Vrindaban. Vrindaban is also known as Gokula. Go means cows,
and kula means congrega on. Therefore the special feature of
New Vrindaban will be cow protec on, and by doing so, we shall
not be loser.
In India of course, a cow is protected and the cowherds men they
derive sufficient profit by such protec on. Cow dung is used as
fuel. Cow dung dried in the sunshine kept in stock for u lizing
them as fuel in the villages. They get wheat and other cereals
produced from the field.
There is milk and vegetables and the fuel is cow dung, and thus,
they are self‐independent in every village.are hand weavers for
the cloth. And the country oil‐mill (consis ng of a bull walking in
circle round two big grinding stones, a ached with yoke) grinds
the oil seeds into oil.
The whole idea is that people residing in New Vrindaban may not
have to search out work outside. Arrangements should be such
that the residents should be self‐sa sfied. That will make an ideal
I do not know these ideals can be given prac cal shape, but I
think like that; that people may bein any place with land and cow
without endeavoring for so‐called ameni es of modern life‐‐
which simply increase anxie es for maintenance and proper
The less we are anxious for maintaining our body and soul
together, the more we become favorable for advancing in
Krishna Consciousness.” (Le er dated June 14, 1968 to