Page 10 - Ananda Mela 2017 eBook
P. 10

In Ayurveda, cow's Ghee  is believed  to be  the  best oil  for  human

         consump on. It is full of nutri ve quali es and an ideal oil for heart
         pa ents who suffer due to excessive bad cholesterol in their blood.
         Its  regular  consump on  enhances  physical  and  mental  strength,
         keeps the body healthy and increases the potency of the body. It is
         not only nutri ve, but also helps in taking out the impuri es from
         the body. It enhances eyesight, keeps muscles and tendons healthy,
         and  bones  sturdy  yet  supple.  Ghee  has  a  high  smoke  point  (250
         degrees Cen grade or 482 degrees Fahrenheit). One can cook and
         fry with ghee. It will not break down into free radicals as easily as
         other vegetable oils. Free radicals are highly unstable and reac ve
         molecules that damage living cells. When caused by high heat, free
         radicals will a ack healthy cells  and  cause  premature  aging.  Ghee
         does not spoil easily because of its minimal water content. It has a
         good amount of oil soluble vitamins A, E, K2 and CLA (Conjugated
         Linoleic acid). All of these are powerful an oxidants (substances that
         counteract  free  radicals)  with  addi onal  an viral  proper es  when
         sourced  from  grass  fed  cows.  Ghee,  unlike  other  oils,  is  rich  in
         butyric acid, a short chain fa y acid. Beneficial intes nal bacteria in
         the cow stomachs convert fiber into butyric acid, which is a source
         of energy and protects the intes nal walls over  me. Research has
         found  that  adequate  produc on  of  butyric  acid  supports  the
         produc on  of  killer  T  cells  in  the  gut,  which  bolsters  the  immune
         system.  Researchers  are  using  oral  butyrate  supplements  and
         butyrate  enemas  to  treat  inflammatory  bowel  diseases  such  as
         Crohn’s  and  ulcera ve  coli s.  Ghee  s mulates  the  secre on  of
         gastric  acid thus aiding  in the diges ve  process. Be er diges on
         equals be er health and weight loss. Ayurveda praises ghee for its
         sa vic  quali es  (food  that  promotes  the  quality  of  goodness)
         because it promotes the posi ve growth and expansion of spiritual

         Ayurvedic  experts  recommend  using  only  old  ghee  that  has  been
         stored for about six months. Such a clarified bu er is quite beneficial
         in diseases like depression, anxiety, eyes and ear disorders as well as
         rejuvena ng  women’s  reproduc ve  organs.  Ghee  can  effec vely
         treat wounds caused by ulcers and wounds of diabe c persons.

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