Page 11 - Ananda Mela 2017 eBook
P. 11
Ghee is reputed to improve memory, intelligence and eye sight. That
is why Indian cuisine uses Ghee as one of the essen al ingredients
for cooking. Scien fic research confirms that Ghee of the Gyr cow
milk has omega‐3 fa y acids, good for the maintenance of healthy
heart. Ghee is best suited for improving intelligence, curing insanity,
increasing reproduc ve poten al, good eyesight, emacia on,
tuberculosis and fever. A lean emaciated and spas c person when
made to undergo Snehana (trea ng the pa ent with ghee by
external applica on and internal consump on) shows drama c
improvement in physical health, intelligence and it helps to restore
mental balance.
Medicated Ghee is made by infusing herbs in the ghee which is
heated on low heat. Such infusions can be used to treat skin
diseases, hyperacidity, etc. Using herbal ghee for skin care and
rejuvena on is very effec ve.
Dung (गोबर): As the name says, गो‐बर – go‐bar is an sep c and has
an bacterial and fungicidal ac on. A filtered mixture of cow dung
and water can be used as a natural ingredient for creams and
ointments which are useful in serious skin condi ons like psoriasis,
eczema and gangrene. Sun dried cow dung is used as fuel for
cooking and an all‐purpose fer lizer. It may be used as a seed
protector and a heat source (cow dung is naturally hot – when
composted it becomes ho er. It may be put into glass‐houses to
heat them or run pipes through to get hot water). Cow dung has
natural an sep c quali es. It can be used to cover surfaces such as
walls, floors and any surface to keep it pure. Cow dung is a mud
brick addi ve because it improves resistance to disintegra on. It is
effec ve for healing skin problems and its healing proper es are
enhanced when mixed with crushed neem leaves. The smoke of a
cow dung fire is a mosquito repellent. It is also a pond pH balancer.
Cow dung is used for cases of malaria, itching, snake‐bite, burns,
dental problems like pyorrhea and cholera. Cow dung cakes have
been tradi onally used by villagers in India as a common fuel, along
with firewood. The cow is the only animal whose dung doesn't have
an unpleasant smell. Energy is generated from its manure in the
form of methane gas, which can power a gas burner to cook food or