Page 14 - Ancient Armenia:Sanskrit 'Harers' and the 'Vetz Hazaria' Vedas
P. 14
mankind from the animal level of sa sfying basic needs such as ea ng, sleep-
ing, ma ng and defending to reaching the full poten al of human life: pure
love of God and eternal life. This loving propensity can be fully sa sfied when
it is directed to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and that is the sum and
substance of spiritual life. Love occurs between persons because there is a
reciprocal rela onship. Unless one knows God as a person, the full range of
love does not develop and one feels unfulfilled.
The loving propensity is present in all living en es, especially humans. Peo-
ple are taught to love country, family or oneself, but they lack the knowledge
where and how to direct their loving propensity so that everyone can be-
come happy. The basic principle of love is that both the lover and the be-
loved become happy by their mutual exchanges of service. From birth, the
child learns to love his parents, then his brothers and sisters. As he grows, he
begins to love his family, society, community, country, na on, and con nues
to increase his circle of love to include the whole of humanity.
36 Sacred le ers, 6 characters in 6 rows. Note the second holy le er as a solar
eagle ‐ Divine Spark. Le ers made out of gold, embellished with rubies and
diamonds on marble. Made by the Armenian master goldsmiths.