Page 12 - Ancient Armenia:Sanskrit 'Harers' and the 'Vetz Hazaria' Vedas
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spiritual transforma on on the path to reaching enlightenment, he sees the
future – specifically, our present me – as well as his own reincarna on as a
It is interes ng to note that the tle of the film, Noumenon, is a philosophical
word which has a classical meaning from Greek philosophy and a newer
meaning from the German philosopher Kant. If we accept the classical Greek
meaning of the word used specifically by Plato, then the following describes
the word’s meaning. Plato claimed there were two realms. One, the inferior
realm, is the material, physical world perceived through the senses (eyes,
ears, nose, tongue and skin). He called this material realm the phenomenal
world where there are temporary, material objects that can be perceived
with our limited senses of percep on. The other, the superior realm is the
world of the immaterial, the spiritual world of reali es not accessible to the
body’s limited senses. Plato called it the noumenal world because it could not
be perceived with the gross material senses of the body. It could be under-
stood with a superior intellect that was completely free of mundane illusion.
Plato claimed that all the forms we perceive in this material world are merely
imperfect and temporary, shadow reflec ons of perfect, eternal forms in the
superior realm. Only a person who is completely liberated from “the cave of
illusion,” where there are only shadow reflec ons of forms, can come out
into the light of pure knowledge and see the real, eternal forms. If we accept
this Platonic defini on of the word noumenon, then Armin’s depic on of
what happened six thousand years ago on Mount Ararat becomes plausible.
The priestly council of the world’s elite sages sit in council and decide “to de-
stroy the cuneiform tablets that contain esoteric knowledge and guidance
with regard to accessing an alternate universe/reality. Then a young priest,
named Menua, and a few others are chosen to receive the supreme
knowledge of enlightenment and they cons tute a select elite for the secret
knowledge. A aining the alternate universe or reality is very similar to Plato’s
superior realm populated with eternal, perfect forms. Thus, the Vetz Hazaria
was a book of ancient wisdom that revealed how a sincere person could
a ain eternal life in a state of perfect harmony with God in the spiritual world
where eternity, bliss and ever- increasing love are experienced. It also con-
tained prac cal knowledge of this world by which an enlightened person