Page 11 - Ancient Armenia:Sanskrit 'Harers' and the 'Vetz Hazaria' Vedas
P. 11
whose members has been handed down the wisdom of the ages. And Der
Haroutun, my father’s uncle, was one of them. This accomplishment – the
reading of the “six thousand Vtch Hazaria in the Armenian language”) – set
him apart, as a star is set apart from the earth. It made him almost a god of
learning. When the villagers wanted advice on family or spiritual ma ers,
when they wanted important le ers wri en or needed medicine for their
children – in short, in the crises of their lives – they came to see my father’s
uncle, because he had read the “Six Thousand.” (Song of America – George
Mardikian, p. 4)
What my Morkor said about the Vetz Hazaria was true. However, it was mys-
terious and seemingly out of reach. If a certain book or tomb is such a valua-
ble source of knowledge, then why should it be kept so secret? The Bible,
Koran, Buddhist wri ngs and the vast Vedic literature is available for the
edifica on of humanity. Why would the Armenians keep the Vetz Hazaria
secret and accessible for only a very few like Mardikian’s father’s uncle Der
I found that an Armenian man named Arthur Armin made a film called
“Noumenon,” which purports a fable-like esoteric history of the Vetz Hazaria.
Most of Armin’s film portrays events in Armenia, against the backdrop of the
Biblical Mount Ararat. Supposedly six thousand years ago, a priestly elite con-
vened a secret universal congress at the main temple seemingly dedicated to
the cult of the Sun (Mihr), nestled in the bosom of Biblical Mount Ararat. The
secret council of the high priests of the twelve supreme temples (it is not
clear where the other eleven temples are located in the world), which gov-
erns the world, resolved to destroy all exis ng cuneiform tablets that con-
tained esoteric knowledge and guidance concerning a ainment of an alter-
nate universe/reality. Moreover, the council decided to limit the oral trans-
mission of such informa on, considering that the spiritual/theocra c class
had begun to lose its authority, ceding power to the fledgling priestly class.
The council found that the exercise of secret knowledge in the absence of the
highest spiritual principles and wisdom might endanger the very existence of
humanity, especially in the future. Menua, a young priest at the temple of
the sun, is among a few to be entrusted with the secret knowledge and given
the right to acquire supreme spiritual enlightenment. As Menua undergoes a