Page 10 - Ancient Armenia:Sanskrit 'Harers' and the 'Vetz Hazaria' Vedas
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Hazaria and many rumors abound about mys cal spells and powers a ained
by studying the Armenian text. But, this is a minor part of the real knowledge
contained in the Vetz Hazaria. The real bulk of the Armenian wisdom is about
a aining libera on from the cycle of birth and death by a aining genuine
love of God. There is specific informa on about the personality of God and
how to perfect the arts required to express the myriad flavors of dynamic
love for the Almighty (Lord Krishna). This is actually secret knowledge re-
served for the most advanced spiritual seekers. The mys cal incanta ons for
material power were considered insignificant compared with the highly elab-
orate arts of singing, dancing, poetry, music, cooking, and many more refined
ar s c expressions required to glorify God. Indeed, the Vetz Hazaria is a text
of how to access the eternal spiritual world here and now and please the
Lord by purifying one’s consciousness of lust, anger, greed, envy, illusion and
madness for selfish sense gra fica on. As one is gradually purified by hear-
ing, chan ng and serving one a ains pure love for God and become eligible
to return to the eternal spiritual world.
The Vedas comprise a vast number of texts. However, the cream of the crop
of Vedic Literature are the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam. These
two texts are the origin of the Armenian Vetz Hazaria. Fortunately, they have
both been preserved and are readily available. Please go to the site called
Vedabase and you will find both texts that you can read for free online. You
can also purchase them from the Bhak vedanta Book Trust in Los Angeles.
You will never regret reading these two ancient books of advanced spiritual
Further informa on about my discovery of the Vetch Hazaria
I read the book en tled Song of America by George Mardikian. I was pleas-
antly surprised to see the following short paragraph about Vetz Hazaria: “Der
Haroutum had read the Vetz-Hazaria. To understand how important this
was, you must know that the tle means ‘six thousand secrets of wisdom.’
There are only four or five copies of the Vetz-Hazaria in existence. They are
all ancient and massive volumes, that have been wri en by hand on parch-
ment. Very few are ever allowed to see and read them. Their whereabouts is
a secret. In the history of my country (Armenia), the readers of the Vetz-
Hazaria have formed, down through the centuries, almost a mys c order, to