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Ananda Mela 2018: Message from the Ar s c Director

                      Namaste! On July 28 th and 29 th , Redmond City Hall
                      campus plays host to Ananda Mela: Joyful Fes val of

                      India. This beau ful fes val is brought you by the Ve-
                      dic Cultural Center (VCC) of Sammamish, under con-
                      tract from the City of Redmond. With the guidance of
                      the  founder  and  visionary  leader  of  Ananda  Mela,
                      Harry Terhanian, the trend of bigger and be er each

                      year con nues into 2018 in the fes val’s 9 th edi on.
     Ananda  Mela  aims  to  showcase  the  legendary  breadth  and  depth  of

     Indian arts and culture through lovingly cra ed displays, authen c rep-
     licas,  performances  on  several  stages,  par cipatory  ac vi es  for
     a endees of all ages and cultures, and numerous other experiences in-
     cluding tasty food from many regions of India and irresis ble shopping.

     Fes val grounds open at 12 noon on July 28 th and 29 th . Programs on
     the Ganga Stage and Yamuna Stage feature dances and music by groups
     as well as individual ar sts. The items cover a wide range of classical-,

     folk- and popular dance and music tradi ons from different parts of In-
     dia,  and  among  other  things,  serve  to  stage  the  talents  of  dedicated
     teachers and their students of Indian arts in the Sea le area,. On Satur-
     day, The Mayapuris from Utah will take the (Ganga) stage at 6 pm. They
     are  an  interna onally  acclaimed,  electrifying  group  of  drummers and

     dancers that has rocked stages around the world On Sunday, star ng at
     6 pm, audiences at the Ganga stage will get a dance workout at spell-
     binding performance of ultra-contemporary global music and dance by
     the ever-popular band Delhi 2 Dublin (D2D) from Vancouver, BC, Fea-
     tured  during  D2D’s  concert  will  be  the  very  popular  Aloha  Bhangra
     Dance Contest for audience members! This year we are giving away a

     rich array of prizes such as gi  cer ficates to restaurants and many oth-
     er products and ar s c experiences. The grand prize is a two-night va-
     ca on for  two to Hawaii. The second prize is a floor  cket to

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