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ly a loincloth and a begging bowl and made their associa on available
to all people. Thus they remained in Vṛndāvana (Lord Krishna’s original
village where He appeared 5000 years ago) to execute the orders of Śrī
Caitanya Mahāprabhu by compiling and publishing various Vaiṣṇava
literatures and excava ng the original places of Lord Krishna’s pas mes
in Vrindabana. (SB 5.1.26 paraphrase) They are the perfect example of
pure devotees who achieved the perfect life of devo on and love for
Lord Krishna. It is said:
Eight Prayers to the Six Gosvamis by Śrīnivāsa Ācārya
I offer my respec ul obeisances unto the six Gosvāmīs, namely Śrī
Rūpa Gosvāmī, Śrī Sanātana Gosvāmī, Śrī Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmī,
Śrī Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī, Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī, and Śrī Gopāla Bhaṭṭa
Gosvāmī, who are always engaged in chan ng the holy name of Kṛṣṇa
and dancing. They are just like the ocean of love of God, and they are
popular both with the gentle and with the ruffians, because they are
not envious of anyone. Whatever they do, they are all-pleasing to eve-
ryone, and they are fully blessed by Lord Caitanya. Thus they are en-
gaged in missionary ac vi es meant to deliver all the condi oned souls
in the material universe.
2) I offer my respec ul obeisances unto the six Gosvāmīs, who are very
expert in scru nizingly studying all the revealed scriptures with the aim
of establishing eternal religious principles for the benefit of all human
beings. Thus they are honored all over the three worlds and they are
worth taking shelter of because they are absorbed in the mood of the
gopis and are engaged in the transcendental loving service of Rādhā
and Kṛṣṇa.
3) I offer my respec ul obeisances unto the six Gosvāmīs, who are very
much enriched in understanding of Lord Caitanya and who are thus
expert in narra ng His transcendental quali es. They can purify all con-
di oned souls from the reac ons of their sinful ac vi es by pouring
upon them transcendental songs about Govinda. As such, they are very
expert in increasing the limits of the ocean of transcendental bliss, and
they are the saviors of the living en es from the devouring mouth of
libera on.
4) I offer my respec ul obeisances unto the six Gosvāmīs, who kicked
off all associa on of aristocracy as insignificant. In order to deliver the