Page 38 - Powerful Feminine Qualities
P. 38
conscious is so powerful, that anyone who follows this seriously can rise above all material mundane designations and
social labels. Therefore, it does not matter what family or caste one has taken his birth.
Srila Prabhupada beautifully explains the transcendental nature of Krishna consciousness and gives a practical example
to show its superior benefits. In a morning walk conversation in Mayapur on February 9, 1976 Prabhupada explained
that ISKCON would not be a social reformer. However, as far as possible, ISKCON will help the world become a better
place. The main purpose of ISKCON is to make everyone Krishna conscious. To help people in society organize their life
to come up gradually to accept Krishna consciousness, ISKCON will institute the original daiva- Varnashrama system of
societal organization.
Regardless of whether a person can follow Varnashrama or not, if he chants the Hare Krishna Mahamantra seriously,
then he will come to the standard of transcendental life in this world. Srila Prabhupada has said,
“I came to America for this purpose. Papi-tapi jata chilo hari-name uddharilo, tara saksi jagai madhai. Hari-name
uddharilo, simply by chanting Hare Krishna mantra, Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered all sinful men, suffering humanity.
Is it? What is the evidence? Tara saksi jagai madhai. Just see, Jagai and Madhai were drunkards. So I thought, "Why
one Jagai and Madhai? Why not hundreds and thousands of them, if hari-nama has got so much power?" So actually,
it has done so. Now you also take it very seriously. (Srila Prabhupada -- June 11, 1975, Honolulu)
Based on the his full faith in the words of his Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakura, and the example of
Lord Caitanya, Srila Prabhupada was convinced that the power of the Holy Names of Krishna and the congregational
chanting (Sankirtana) could purify all the negative influences and elevate a person to Krishna consciousness.
Varnashrama societal organization
For those persons who cannot take up the chanting of Hare Krishna wholeheartedly, the Varnashrama system of
organization is beneficial to help them to transfer their consciousness from the bodily concept of life to spiritual
consciousness. Srila Prabhupada explains the gradual progression from material life to spiritual life that is the goal of
the Varnashrama societal organization. “Community projects for the four orders of human society, combined with
family welfare activities, as they are set forth by the institution of sanatana-dharma, or varnashrama-dharma, are
designed to enable the human being to attain his ultimate salvation. Therefore, the breaking of the sanatana-dharma
tradition by irresponsible leaders of society brings about chaos in that society, and consequently people forget the aim
of life – Vishnu. Such leaders are called blind, and persons who follow such leaders are sure to be led into chaos.”
The dynamic following of Krishna consciousness with the guidance of pure devotees can circumvent the varnashrama
system. Srila Prabhupada states this, “The beauty of Krishna consciousness, however, is that by one stroke, by
engaging in devotional service, one can surpass all the rituals of the different orders of life.” (Bg 8.28 in the purport)
When Lord Caitanya discussed with Ramananda Roy about how to attain the highest perfection of life (pure love of
God), Ramananda Roy proposed following the Varnashrama dharma system. The Lord indicated that this was external
and asked Ramananda Roy to propose something better. Prabhupada commented,
“So the Varnashrama-dharma is a good help undoubtedly, but it is not important for Krishna consciousness.
Otherwise, how could I start this movement in the Western country? There was no Varnashrama-dharma. But that did
not hamper my movement. Now people are surprised: ‘How these people have become such great devotees.’ So it
was not based on Varnashrama-dharma, no, because the whole movement is spiritual. It starts from the spiritual
platform, aham brahmasmi. Jivera svarupa haya nitya-krsna-dasa - the real identity of the eternal soul is to be the
servant of Lord Krishna. (Cc. Madhya 20.108-109) (Samasrita ye pada-pallava-plavam mahat-padam punya-yaso
murareh, bhavambudhir vatsa-padam param – by the mercy of Krishna, the ocean of material suffering is reduced to
the size of water contained in a cow’s hoof print so that the devotee can easily cross over it). Now just like here is a
gap. So you can go by the bridge, and if you can jump over, that is also going. That is also going. So to become Krishna
conscious means to jump over to the spiritual platform immediately. And this Varnashrama-dharma, sannyasa,
varna-tyaga, karma-tyaga, these are different steps only. But if you become Krishna conscious seriously, then you