Page 33 - Powerful Feminine Qualities
P. 33
Srila Prabhupada states that, “The sankirtana-yajna is easy and sublime for all purposes.” Sex can be used in the
service of Krishna as long as the purpose is to engender children endowed with noble qualities. The process is simple.
The couple asks for the blessing of the spiritual master, and engages in the simple process of sincerely chanting fifty
rounds of 108 beads of the Mahamantra Hare Krishna. The couple should be dressed nicely and the wife especially
should appear very attractive, in good health and happy spirits so her husband is attracted by her. Their union should
take place during the period favorable for procreation after the menses. This becomes dharma-aviruddha-kama, or
sex that is not contrary to religious principles. (Bg 7.11)
We can learn from the mistakes of Kasyapa Muni and Diti. They embraced at an inauspicious moment without the
proper preparation. Because of the disturbed state of mind of Kasyapa Muni, his powerful semen was adulterated
with the quality of anger. Thus the two sons born of their union were demons, Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu. To
conceive saintly children, the father and mother must be very sober and devotional. If the father is not sober, his
semen will not be very good. The Vedas provide detailed scientific information to evolve the conditions for divine
Privacy is necessary for illicit activities
Once upon a time, there was a very exceptional princess. She was so talented that no man dared to marry her. She
was greater than most men were in battle, intelligence, philosophy, governance, literature, poetry, music, and singing.
Her grandmother advised her that one day God would grace her with a suitable husband. Her father and mother were
elderly and she was an only child. She had to take on the responsibility of the kingdom whether she was married or
She agreed to accept the heavy burden of managing her father’s kingdom. Her grandmother advised her how she
could do this. However, at one point, the princess asked the grandmother, “I do not have worldly experience. One day
I will have to get married. How will I know who is a good person, and who is not a good person? If I make a mistake
due to my inexperience, I could mistakenly trust a person of bad character. It could be a minister, or a suitor. If I do
not know how to differentiate between a good or bad person, it could affect the well-being of the whole kingdom and
it could ruin my own life.”
Her grandmother instructed her, “The way you know who is good and who is not good is to not make that
determination right away. See how a person acts under different situations. What you want to see is whether a person
is prone to kama, krodha, and lobha (lust, anger, and greed). You will not be able to see it right away. However, as you
wait, and let situations in life happen, you will be able to understand the truth. If you yourself have control over these
three things, you will be able to see who does not have control. The only way you can control these three things is by
regularly engaging in the service of Krishna, and chanting Hare Krishna, and reading Bhagavad-gita, and of utmost
importance associate with genuine devotees. Then you will recognize who has kama, krodha, and lobha and who is
free of these degrading qualities.”
From that point on, the princess practiced Krishna consciousness seriously, especially early in the morning before
sunrise. Because she was going to become the manager of the whole kingdom and interact with all male ministers,
military men, powerful politicians, and businesspersons, she carefully followed the advice of her grandmother. She
gradually gained control of her mind and senses by always thinking of Krishna (God) and seeing life through the prism
of shastric (scriptural) knowledge. She accepted everything favorable for nurturing Krishna consciousness. She
rejected anything unfavorable for spiritual life. She considered that Krishna is her ultimate protector. She cultivated
humility, patience and tolerance internally knowing well that God is her guardian and guide in life through the medium
of scripture and saintly person’s instructions based on the Vedas. Due to her spiritual learning and constant guidance
of spiritual mentors, she developed the necessary skills of governance.
One day during a public audience that took place once a week permitting anyone to come and address the queen, an
older man appeared with a request. He was about 68 years old. The Queen was only 22. The old man spoke, “Dear
Queen, I want to marry you. I want you to be my wife, and I want to have intimate relations with you. I will teach you