Page 32 - Powerful Feminine Qualities
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perform the ceremony with the guidance of an expert priest. The purpose was to sanctify the mentality of the couple
         before the act of conception. When the husband and wife worship Lord Krishna together and humble themselves to
         the will of the Lord by prayer and sacrifice, then the Lord blesses them to have a purified mind free of lust, anger and
         greed in preparation for the conception of a divine child.
         The spiritual preparation for a holy union to beget children is necessary for the well-being of society. An increase in
         children of divine qualities will  offset the preponderance  of  the unholy members  of society that  have created a
         turbulent society in moral free fall. Lord Krishna emphasizes the importance of spiritually inspired conception. “I am
         sex life which is not contrary to religious principles, O Lord of the Bharatas [Arjuna].” (Bg 7.11) The Lord blesses the act
         of sex performed according to religious principles (dharma) with the goal of procreating divine children. Then the
         parents accept the responsibility to educate their children to become Krishna conscious. This will populate society
         with stable  and morally upright citizens,  whose goal will be to guide people  back to Godhead by their practical
         example of self-discipline, love and affection for all people, and the correct following of dharma, the path of righteous
         living according to the Vedic principles as set forth by Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita.
         In the  present  age  of  Kali-yuga,  the age of  hypocrisy  and quarrel,  very few  couples perform  the  sacrament  of
         pre-conception (garbhodhana samskara). A devotee, Madhusudana  das,  questioned Srila  Prabhupada if it was
         necessary to perform the Vedic rituals for conception of a child. Srila Prabhupada replied on May 19, 1977. He wrote:
         “We do not want all these rituals. Chanting Hare Krishna is our only business. According to Manu-Samhita you are all
         mlecchas and yavanas. You cannot touch the Manu-samhita, what to speak of translating it. So if you try to follow the
         Manu-samhita then you'll become a mleccha and yavana and your career is finished."
         Madusudana das  was asked by a devotee  about his understanding  of Srila Prabhupada’s answer. He replied the
         following on October 12, 2003 to the devotee who questioned him.
         “At the time, my wife and I were having trouble conceiving a child for many years. Various Sanskritists were beginning
         to recommend following the many rituals for auspicious conception etc. So I had asked Prabhupada if I should do
         those things and that was his response. Of course, Prabhupada's instruction was to simply chant 50 rounds before
         trying to conceive.
         My understanding is that the 50 rounds  of chanting should not be  minimized as  being less effective that the
         Manu-samhita rituals. Also, it's clear that I and many others were (I still am) mlecchas and yavanas (which became all
         too obvious when we screwed up the movement as we did), so how could we know how and when to apply the
         Manu-samhita. I think Prabhupada answered based on the time, place, and recipient.”
         Srila Prabhupada unequivocally stresses that the ultimate purifying process for this age of Kali-yuga is the sincere
         chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. He writes:
         “The Lord created this material world to enable the conditioned souls to learn how to perform yajnas (sacrifices) for
         the satisfaction of Vishnu, so that while in the material world they can live very comfortably without anxiety, and after
         finishing  the  present  material  body  they  can  enter  into  the  kingdom  of  God.  That  is  the  whole  program  for  the
         conditioned soul. By performance of yajna, the conditioned souls gradually become Krishna conscious and become
         godly in all respects. In the Age of Kali, the sankirtana-yajna (the chanting of the names of God) is recommended by
         the Vedic scriptures, and this transcendental system was introduced by Lord Caitanya for the deliverance of all men in
         this age. Sankirtana-yajna and Krishna consciousness go well together. Lord Krishna in His devotional form (as Lord
         Caitanya) is mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam (11.5.32) as follows, with special reference to the sankirtana-yajna:
                                  krishna-varnam tvishakrishnam sangopangastra-parshadam |
                                      yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi su-medhasah ||
         “In this Age of Kali, people who are endowed with sufficient intelligence will worship the Lord, who is accompanied by
         His associates, by performance of sankirtana-yajna.” Other yajnas prescribed in the Vedic literatures are not easy to
         perform  in  this  Age  of  Kali, but  the  sankirtana-yajna  is  easy  and  sublime  for  all  purposes,  as  recommended  in
         Bhagavad-gita also.” (9.14)

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