Page 41 - Powerful Feminine Qualities
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their money, bluff them and go away. Fortunately, the Krishna consciousness movement is there to give all facilities
         for both material and spiritual advancement. In this way, people in the Western countries may take advantage of this
         movement. In India, any person in the villages, unaffected by the industrial cities of India, can still live in any condition
         and make spiritual advancement. The body is the city of nine gates, and these nine gates include two eyes, two ears,
         two nostrils, one mouth, a genital and a rectum. When the nine gates are clean and working properly, the body is
         healthy. In India these nine gates are kept clean by the villagers who rise early in the morning, bathe in the well or
         rivers, go to the temples to attend mangala-arati, chant the Hare Krishna mahamantra and take prasadam. In this
         way, one can take advantage of all the facilities of human life. We are gradually introducing this system in different
         centers in our society in the Western countries. One who takes advantage of it becomes more and more enlightened
         in spiritual life. Now, India is analogous to the lame man and the Western countries to the blind man. For the past two
         thousand years, India has been subjugated by the rule of foreigners, and the legs of progress have been broken. In the
         Western countries, the eyes of the people have become blind due to the dazzling glitter of material opulence. The
         blind man of the Western countries and  the lame man  of India should  combine  in this  Krishna  consciousness
         movement. Then the lame man of India can walk with the help of the Westerner, and the blind Westerner can see
         with the help of the lame man. In short, the material advancement of the Western countries and the spiritual assets of
         India should combine for the elevation of all human society.” (SB 4.25.13, Purport)

         The culture of Krishna consciousness in Sammamish
         Within the  Sri Sri Radha Neela Madhava temple in Sammamish,  we teach our  congregants this culture  of Krishna
         consciousness. If a husband and wife decide that they will dedicate some of their time to cultivating spiritual life with
         their children, their endeavor will succeed by regular attendance of temple programs and structuring their home life
         around the worship of Radha and Krishna.
         The temple is organized in such a way that the whole family can come and have an uplifting spiritual experience. The
         children as well as the parents are educated together. There are many families where the husband and wife receive
         initiation at the same time and gradually develop their skills to become pujaris who dress the deities and serve them
         intimately. As the  children grow, they also  can  receive initiation. In this way,  a family that prays together stays
         together. All are encouraged to evolve to their full potential in spiritual life. The skills they learn as devotees helps
         them to succeed in their professional lives also. The verse of Bhagavad-gita quoted above (Bg 9.32) explains the gist of
         Krishna consciousness. Anyone, regardless of their social or economic situation, can become a pure devotee of Krishna
         in this lifetime, and benefit their family members, neighbors, co-workers, and everyone they encounter by the purity
         of their practice of Krishna consciousness.
         If  we follow  Krishna consciousness  properly,  a cogent  example  becomes habit and custom  that can last for
         generations. For example, women may choose to cover their hair when they come to the temple, wear a colorful sari
         along with their children similarly attired. Whenever there is a traditional Vaishnava festival in the temple, women
         wear their best saris and men don traditional dhotis, kurtas or chaddars. They sit, and sing bhajans or holy chants. The
         temple environment becomes surcharged with devotion. When guests  visit  the temple and see  happy  families
         worshiping and serving Krishna, they become inspired to  come regularly  and participate in  the spiritual bonding
         through chanting Hare Krishna and serving  the Deities  of Radha and Krishna. When  a large group  of cooperative
         families pray together regularly and engage in the varied service opportunities of the temple, then the temple will
         succeed in its endeavor to establish Krishna conscious culture.
         At the Vedic Cultural Center, we have a regular school from pre-school to seventh grade, adult education through the
         Vedic University, different Indian classical dance classes, karnatic and Hindustani singing, violin, mridanga, sitar, Indian
         guitar, yoga, Vedic mathematics, cooking classes, and many more varied cultural programs and seminars. The mood of
         the temple is peaceful due to the gentle behavior of the devotees. There is no kama (lust), krodha (anger), and lobha
         (greed). Everyone volunteers his service, time, and money. We help people elevate spiritually by which Lord Krishna
         takes charge of their life and welfare. The Lord explains this in the Bhagavad-gita.

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