Page 44 - Powerful Feminine Qualities
P. 44
queen of Vrindavan. The beauty of Krishna attracts everyone, but Radha attracts Krishna. Therefore, the daily
salutation given by devotees in Vrindavan is not ‘Jai Sri Krishna’. They say “Jai Radharani,” the Queen of Vrindavan.
Lord Krishna tells Arjuna, “Take to My devotional service and come quickly back to Godhead, back home.” “No one
should remain in this temporary world, full as it is with miseries. Everyone should attach himself to the bosom of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead so that he can be eternally happy. The devotional service of the Supreme Lord is the
only process by which all problems of all classes of men can be solved. Everyone should therefore take to Krishna
consciousness and make his life perfect.” (Bg 9.33 – purport)
The main theme of this seminar is explaining how a woman should become an expert in transforming material lust
into love for Krishna. It is a big topic. If you are able to do that, then your whole family will become spiritually
enlivened. People are not seeking lust; they are seeking real love. You have to think deeply about this essential subject
that every man and woman should realize is their spiritual destiny, to attain pure love of Krishna and share it with all.
Devotee 1: Just a verification. You advised that we should keep our head covered. Is it only inside the temple, or all
the time?
HG Harivilas Prabhu: It is nice to do it all the time. If you go to Rajasthan, all the Hindu women cover their hair. In
traditional society, women always cover their hair. Sometimes Rajashtani women cover their face with their sari but at
least the hair should be covered, especially in the temple. The red dot on the forehead and the covered hair are
symbols of a chaste wife. It is a symbol that this is a married woman, and she deserves utmost respect for her
faithfulness to her husband. At home, she can be dressed in her finest clothes because she is in the privacy of her
home where she wants to inspire her husband and family members with her attractive appearance. However, out in
the street, one should have a very modest appearance. Modesty is the control system that we discussed above which
helps to protect women from evil intentions.
Devotee 2: Prabhuji, in the presence of senior devotees, should we keep our head covered?
HG Harivilas Prabhu: Srila Prabhupada has explained that a respectable woman would never be seen in public. If she
had to be in public, she would be carried on a palanquin covered in four sides. This was traditional in India.
Respectable women would never walk in public. Four men would always carry around them in their palanquin. All four
sides would be covered. When she reached her destination, she would go inside a house. In Dwaraka, during Krishna’s
time, most women stayed on the higher levels of buildings, and they would see what was happening by looking down
from the flat roof. They were not walking on the sidewalk. We may not be able to practice such social customs today.
In traditional India, the modesty of women was encouraged so that they could easily be protected from uncouth men.
I know a Fijian lady. She had a very nice daughter. The daughter went to public school in the Seattle area and a boy
became attracted to her. He might have been 16 years-old, and she 15. They went to the same school. He became
obsessed with this girl. When she tried to break off their relationship. He stalked her, killed her, and committed
suicide. It is a real story. It was an unthinkable tragedy for the Fijian mother. She lost her only daughter. Modesty is an
extremely important virtue for women. It will protect them from attracting unworthy men through public exposure.
Covering the hair in public is one sign of modesty. At least in the temple room, women should cover their hair. For
temple kitchen service, it is mandatory for women to wear a cap to cover the hair. Covering the hair is optional
outside the temple. However, we should note that strict female followers of Islam cover their hair. Traditionally in
India, this was the practice previously for all Hindu women. If you are outside the temple and in the company of senior
devotees, it is advisable to cover the hair especially on Sankirtana.
Devotee 3: How can a woman become an expert in converting lust to love?
HG Harivilas Prabhu: Please read about Kardama muni with Devahuti, and Kasyapa muni with Diti and Aditi. Also, read
about Lord Siva and Parvati.
In the Bhagavad-gita 3 Chapter, 41 verse, Prabhupada writes in the purport: