Page 5 - Ananda Mela 2016- Joyful Festival of India
P. 5

 minded people will be a racted, but they will be benefited also.  

The difficulty is that the people in this country, they want to con nue their
prac ce of sense gra fica on, and at the same me they want to become
transcendentally advanced. This is quite contradictory. One can advance in
transcendental life by process of nega va ng (nega ng) the general prac-

  ce of materialis c life.

The exact adjustment is in Vaisnava philosophy, which is called Yukta Vair-
agya, means that we should simply accept the bare necessi es of our mate-
rial part of life, and try to save me for spiritual advancement. This should 
be  the  mo o  of  New  Vrindaban,  if  you  at  all  develop  it  to  the  perfec onal 
stage. And I am always at your service to help you by prac cal sugges on and 
assistance also.   

For the me being, if you actually want to develop such ideal asrama, we
must have sufficient land, and all other things will gradually grow. For rais-
ing crops from the land, how many men will be required--that we must es -
mate  and  for  herding  the  cows  and  feeding  them.  We  must  have  sufficient 
pasturing ground to feed the animals all round. We have to maintain the ani-
mals throughout their life. We must not make any program for selling them
to the slaughterhouses. That is the way of cow protec on.  

Krishna by His prac cal example taught us to give all protec on to the cows
and that should be the main business of New Vrindaban. Vrindaban is also
known as Gokula. Go means cows, and kula means congrega on. Therefore
the special feature of New Vrindaban will be cow protec on, and by doing
so, we shall not be loser.

In India of course, a cow is protected and the cowherdsmen they derive
sufficient profit by such protec on. Cow dung is used as fuel. Cow dung
dried in the sunshine kept in stock for u lizing them as fuel in the villages.
They get wheat and other cereals produced from the field.

There is milk and vegetables and the fuel is cow dung, and thus, they are
self-independent in every village. There are hand weavers for the cloth. And
the country oil-mill (consis ng of a bull walking in circle round two big
grinding stones, a ached with yoke) grinds the oil seeds into oil.

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