Page 3 - Ananda Mela 2016- Joyful Festival of India
P. 3
Ancient Vedic Wisdom for Modern Sustainability
The proverb “Old is gold,” describes the priceless value of ancient Vedic wis-
dom which perfected the life style of “simple living, high thinking.” The Vedic
sages understood the ul mate purpose of human life – using the incredible
abili es of highly developed human senses and the mind to focus on self-
realiza on to free oneself from the cycle of birth and death. To facilitate this
noble cause, the sages lived a disciplined life that was self-sufficient, peaceful
and happy due to its simplicity and natural abundance. Nature under the
guidance of Lord Krishna (God) cooperated to help them achieve their goal
because they gave up all material desires and pursued their spiritual quest
through rendering pure devo on and loving service to Lord Krishna.
When members of Krishna Consciousness purchased a large property in the
hills of West Virginia, Bhak vedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder/Acarya
of the Hare Krishna Movement, wrote them the following le er:
Friday, June 14, 1968
Montreal, Quebec
My Dear Hayagriva,
Please accept my blessings. I was just expec ng your le er since I have come
here from Boston.
I have already informed you about my successful program in Boston, a end-
ing many colleges and universi es, and the church mee ngs, prac cally
throughout the whole month. And Sriman Satsvarupa is to be congratulated
for his endeavor to keep me engaged in such mee ngs.
I thought that you were going to San Francisco as you informed me previously
that during Rathayatra fes val you would be there. The Rathayatra fes val is
going to be held between 27th June to 7th July, and they are making broader
arrangement than last year, and expec ng people numbering from 1000 to
5000 will a end the procession, chan ng Hare Krishna.
They have been advised to turn San Francisco gradually into New Jagannatha
Puri, and I have advised Kirtanananda and yourself to convert West Virginia
into New Vrindaban. I understand the spot is very beau ful, and the hills may