Page 7 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
P. 7
enjoyers thereof.
He is also to be known by the names of His manifesta ons such as
Brahman and Para Brahman, by any of His incarna ons such as Rāma
and Buddha and by any of His expansions such as Nārāyaṇa and
The Supreme Lord Krishna, who is the Ul mate Truth, the Ul mate Con-
sciousness and the Ul mate Personality, having emanated the complete
cosmic manifesta on from Brahma down to a blade of grass,
by His own desire He withdrew within His own Self and was instantane-
ously completely beyond the material existence and the medita ons and
adora ons of Brahma, the devas and mortal beings.
The Supreme Lord Krishna being an all pervading ocean of infinite mercy
with unlimited compassion, unlimited love and unlimited magnanimity,
although completely transcendental to the material existence;
simultaneously willed to incarnate in various material forms similar to
those of His crea on, without compromising His own divine transcen-
dental nature and periodically descends as different incarna ons in the
material worlds as he so desires.”
Ramanujacarya unequivocally states the Supreme Lord Krishna is the
Ul mate Truth, Ul mate Consciousness, and Ul mate Personality and
the source of all expansions such as Rama, Buddha, Narayana, and
Vasudeva. Sukadeva Goswami also confirms this in the Srimad Bha-
ete cāṁśa‐kalāḥ puṁsaḥ
kṛṣṇas tu bhagavān svayam
indrāri‐vyākulaṁ lokaṁ
mṛḍayan yuge yuge
"All the lists of the incarna ons of Godhead submi ed herewith are ei-
ther plenary expansions or parts of the plenary expansions of the Su-
preme Godhead, but Kṛiṣhṇa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
Himself." (SB 1.3.28)
Therefore, Kṛiṣhṇa is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, the
Absolute Truth, the source of both the Supersoul and the impersonal