Page 3 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
P. 3
Introduc on
On the occasion of the most auspicious 1000 year anniversary of Ra-
manujacarya’ appearance, it is appropriate to understand the pro-
found rela onship of the Sri Vaisnava tradi on with that of the Brahma
Madhava Gaudiya Vaisnava tradi on. Both sampradayas have their
origin from Lord Krishna and His direct plenary expansion Lord Naraya-
The Sri Vaisnavas are following the Sri Laxmi sampradaya which has a
different disciplic succession than the Brahma Madhava Gaudiya sam-
pradaya. The disciplic succession (sampradaya) of each tradi on may
be different, however, the siddhanta, the authorita ve conclusions of
the revealed scriptures that convince one to fully surrender to the
cause of Lord Krishna, are strikingly similar. These conclusions enable
one to deliver others from the clutches of material existence so that
they can enter into the eternal, transcendental abodes (Vaikuntha and
Goloka) of Lord Krishna. There are only a few details of siddhanta that
differ between the two tradi ons. These details were discussed by
Lord Caitanya and Venkata Bha a and drama cally resolved. Lord Cai-
tanya proved that the siddhanta of the Sri Vaisnavas and the Gaudiya
Vaisnavas was essen ally the same, and this was also reaffirmed by His
Divine Grace Bhak siddhanta Saraswa Thakur Prabhupada and his
disciple His Divine Grace A.C. Bhak vedanta Swami Prabhupada
(referred to as Srila Prabhupada). Krishna das Kaviraja, the rinciple bi-
ographer of Lord Caitanya has said, “siddhanta baliya ci e na kara
alasa | iha ha-ite krishne lage sudrdha manasa – “A sincere student
should not neglect the discussion of such conclusions, considering
them controversial, for such discussions strengthen the mind. Thus
one's mind becomes a ached to Sri Krishna.” (CC Adi 2.117) The dis-
cussion of the similari es and slight differences of the philosophical
underpinnings of the Sri Vaisnavas and the Gaudiya Vaisnavas is there-
fore important to discuss in order to strengthen the brotherly es of
these two great Vaisnava tradi ons. It should be noted also that the