Page 64 - History of Tirupathi Balaji and comparison of Sri Vaishnava
P. 64
neutral stage.
In the second stage, which is called dasya-rati, a person appreciates his position as
being everlastingly subordinate to the Supreme Lord, and he understands that he is eternally
dependent on the causeless mercy of the Supreme Person. At that time there is an awakening
of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his
father’s benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead
of serving maya, illusion.
The third stage in the development of transcendental love is called sakhya-rati. In this
stage, one associates with the Supreme as a friend on an equal level, with love and respect.
As this stage is further developed, there is joking and such relaxed exchanges as laughing.
On this level there are fraternal exchanges with the Personality of Godhead, and one is free
from all bondage. At this stage one forgets his inferior position as a living entity, but at the
same time he has the greatest respect for the Supreme Person.
In the fourth stage, called vatsalya-rati, the fraternal affection of the preceding stage
develops into parental affection. At this time the living entity acts as the parent of God.
Instead of worshiping the Lord, the living entity, as a parent of the Supreme Person, becomes
an object of worship for Him. At this stage the Lord depends on the mercy of His pure devotee
and puts Himself under the control of the devotee to be raised nicely. Such a devotee can
embrace the Supreme Lord and even kiss His head.
In the fi fth stage, called madhura-rati, there is a transcendental exchange of conjugal
love between the lover and the beloved. It is at this stage that Krishna and the damsels of
Vraja glanced lovingly at one another, for on this platform there is an exchange of glances,
movements of the eyebrows, pleasant words, attractive smiles, etc. (Teachings of Lord
Chaitanya Ch 1)
The Sri Vaisnava tradition can elevate a person out of the material world and
give entrance into the eternal spiritual world of Vaikuntha. There the devotee
experiences the relationship of neutral appreciation of the Lord Narayana’s
super-excellent qualities. Then progressively one can achieve dasya rasa or
servitorship of the Lord with awe and reverence on the spiritual Vaikuntha
planets with Lord Narayana and His eternal consort Lakshmi devi. On this
level one can progress even further to the lower sakya rasa level of subordinate
friendship with adoration of Lord Narayana.
The higher rasas of equal friendship with Lord Krishna, parental rasa, and
conjugal rasa are experienced by the devotees who come under the infl uence of
Yogamaya. They are freed of all restrictions to express their love and devotion
very intimately with the Lord Krishna in His exquisitely beautiful and charming
two-armed form.
The relationship with Lord Narayana is formalized with beautiful ritual
ceremonies that inspire awe and reverence for the Lord. By contrast, the
pristine rural setting of Goloka Vrindabana promotes spontaneous attraction
and intimate love for Lord Krishna without any restraints of formal rituals.
Lord Caitanya enlightens Venkata Bhatta about the relationship of