Page 63 - History of Tirupathi Balaji and comparison of Sri Vaishnava
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conditioned life, we have forgotten our relationship with God, but by regulative principles, we
        can make alert the inert activities. Just like a rheumatic crippled man is gradually elevated
        by some bodily exercises. Similarly, the regulative principles are to make us habituated to
        our dormant service attitude, but when that is mature, it becomes spontaneous, and that is
        pure Krishna Consciousness. And such highly elevated Consciousness makes one eligible to
        enter into the Krishna Loka. The living example for much spontaneous love are exhibited
        by the Gopis and inhabitants of Vrindaban. We can learn this from Srimad-Bhagavatam
        how much they love Krishna spontaneously.”
            Your question: what is the relationship of sweethearts in Vaikuntha to each other and
        to Lord Narayana? Is conjugal love, parental affection, and unalloyed friendship there in
        the Vaikunthas?
            No. In Vaikuntha there are two kinds of transcendental mellows, dasya and the lower
        half of sakya rasa. The lower half of sakhya means friendship in adoration. And the
        higher half of sakhya rasa is friendship on equal level. So in Vrindaban the reciprocation
        of transcendental humor is higher than in Vaikuntha. It is there more free and spontaneous
        without any restriction arranged by yogamaya principle.

            In Goloka Vrindaban, yogamaya acts to facilitate the spontaneous love
        and devotion of the devotees. But yogamaya does not act in Vaikuntha where
        the worship is one of awe and reverence without any hint of spontaneity and
        relaxation of formal rules of conduct.
            Purport: Actually the activities of yogamaya are absent in the spiritual sky and the
        Vaikuntha planets. She simply works in the supreme planet, Goloka Vrindavana, and she
        works to manifest the activities of Krishna when He descends to the material universe to
        please His innumerable devotees within the material world. (CC Madhya 21.104 )
            The many wonderful rasas are more specifi cally described and examples
        given of devotees who have attained them by Srila Prabhupada. According to
        the Caitanya Charitramita, there are fi ve transcendental rasas, or mellows, that
        devotees can attain in the spiritual world.
            In the spiritual world there are fi ve kinds of relationships with the Supreme Lord—
        santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya. The perverted refl ections of these rasas
        are found in the material world. Land, home, furniture and other inert material objects
        are related in santa, or the neutral and silent sense, whereas servants work in the dasya
        relationship. The reciprocation between friends is called sakhya, the affection of a parent for
        a child is known as vatsalya, and the affairs of conjugal love constitute madhurya. These fi ve
        relationships in the material world are distorted refl ections of the original, pure sentiments,
        which should be understood and perfected in relationship with the Supreme Personality
        of Godhead under the guidance of a bona fi de spiritual master. In the material world the
        perverted rasas bring frustration. If these rasas are re-established with Lord Krishna, the
        result is eternal, blissful life. (CC Adi 1.56)
            In the “Teachings of Lord Chaitnaya” Srila Prabhupada writes: The initial
        stage is called santa-rati, wherein one who is liberated from material contamination
        appreciates the greatness of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One who attains this
        stage does not exactly engage in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, for this is the
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