Page 61 - History of Tirupathi Balaji and comparison of Sri Vaishnava
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uninterrupted service. Srila Prabhupada explains that by such unalloyed service,
Lord Krishna will reveal Himself to the sincere devotee. Room Conversation --
April 2, 1972, Sydney:
Syamasundara: It seems only natural, gradually if you are all the time serving,
serving, serving Krishna, eventually...
Prabhupada: Yes, this is the only way: sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva sphuraty
adah’ (Brs. 1.2.234). By your service, Krishna will automatically reveal Himself. He
wants service; therefore He said: Surrender unto Me. Surrender unto Me, not stop all
activities. Surrender unto Me.’ What He will say, you do. That is surrender. Just like
Arjuna surrendered. So surrender means that he had to fi ght. That is surrender. Not that ‘I
surrender, I do nothing.’ That is not surrender. That is only negation. Doing nothing of the
material things, that is negation. Take the positive view. That is doing always for Krishna.
Real progress is to re-establish our lost relationship (rasa) with
Lord Krishna
Speech at Olympia Theater -- Paris, June 26, 1971, (with translator): Just this
evening I expressed my desires to the press conference that the human society is being misled
by leaders who are blind themselves. Take for example just like there a few blind men, and
one, another blind man, is proposing to help them, crossing over the street. So this blind
following is there in this sense, that we do not know what is the aim and objective of human
society. The aim and objective of human life is self-realization and re-establishing our
lost relation with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is the missing point. So this
Krishna consciousness movement is trying to enlighten the human society on this important
point. According to Vedic civilization, the progressive march towards perfection of life is to
realize one’s relationship with Krishna, or God.
Five transcendental mellows or Rasas
There are fi ve primary relationships or rasas (sweet relationships) with
Lord Krishna. According to the desire of the devotee to serve Krishna, he may
be elevated to Vaikuntha the Goloka planets in the spiritual world.
My devotee actually becomes self-realized by My unlimited causeless mercy, and
thus, when freed from all doubts, he steadily progresses towards his destined abode, which
is directly under the protection of My spiritual energy of unadulterated bliss. That is the
ultimate perfectional goal of the living entity. After giving up the present material body, the
mystic devotee goes to that transcendental abode and never comes back. (SB 3.27.28)
Commentary by Srila Prabhupada
Actual self-realization means becoming a pure devotee of the Lord. The existence
of a devotee implies the function of devotion and the object of devotion. Self-realization
ultimately means to understand the Personality of Godhead and the living entities; to
know the individual self and the reciprocal exchanges of loving service between the Supreme
Personality of Godhead and the living entity is real self-realization. This cannot be attained
by the impersonalists or other transcendentalists; they cannot understand the science of
devotional service. Devotional service is revealed to the pure devotee by the unlimited
causeless mercy of the Lord. This is especially spoken of here by the Lord—mat-prasadena,