Page 44 - History of Tirupathi Balaji and comparison of Sri Vaishnava
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confers pure love of God for the sincere chanter because the only heartfelt
thought is to engage eternally in the service of the Lord.
Lord Caitanya appeared along with His closest associate Lord Nityananda,
who is Krishna’s eternal brother in the spiritual world, Lord Balarama. Balarama
is the fi rst plenary (absolute) expansion of Lord Krishna, thus there is no
difference in potency between Krishna and Balarama except that Krishna has
a brilliant blackish color and Balarama is an effulgent whitish color. Balarama
expands Himself as the fi rst Maha-Sankarsana or quadruple expansions which
are the origin of the Narayana forms in Vaikuntha. Then He expands into the
second Sankarsana quadruple expansions which are the source of Sesa Naga
and the Vishnu forms who lie on the Karana Ocean (Maha Vishnu), Garbha
Ocean (Garbhodaksayi Vishnu) and ocean of milk (Ksirodakasayi Vishnu) for
the material creation. They are His plenary portions and the portions of His
plenary portions. Ksirodaksayi Vishnu is the Supersoul of all Living entities and
the maintainer of all the universes. Sesa Naga is His further subpart. Sesa is
responsible for personal service to the Lord. Sesa is called Ananta, or unlimited,
because He assists the Personality of Godhead in His unlimited expansions
by performing an unlimited variety of services. Sri Balarama is the servitor
Godhead who serves Lord Krishna in all affairs of existence and knowledge.
For the material creation Maha Visnu lies on Ananta Sesa fl oating on the
Karana Ocean (Causal ocean) on the boundry of the Spiritual World. From Him,
Garbhodaksayi Vishnu expands into every molecule of His exhalation which is
an entire material universe. There are infi nite material universes emanating from
Maha Vishnu. As Garbhodaksayi Vishnu enters each one, He expands an ocean
that fi lls half the universe and He reclines on Ananta Sesa. From His navel
grows the stem of a lotus fl ower and on top is a beautiful lotus. Lord Brahma
appears as the fi rst created being in the material world. He sits on the whorl of
the lotus and meditates until He understands his role as the secondary creator
of the material universe that manifests in the stem of the lotus. As Brahma, the
fi rst progeniteur of living entities in the universe expands the material creation,
Garbhudaysayi Vishnu expands Himself and manifests Ksirodakasayi Vishnu
who resides within the stem of the lotus in the material world.
There are seven major oceans in space. This is explained in the Siddhanta-
siromani, an astrological text. They are: the ocean of salt water, milk, yogurt,
clarifi ed butter, sugarcane juice, liquor, sweet water. On the southern side of the
ocean of salt water is the ocean of milk, where Ksirodakasayi Vishnu resides. He
is worshipped there by demigods like Brahma. He is the Supersoul of all living
entities. He maintains this material world and He is its Lord. There are references
to Svetadvipa in the Brahmananda Purana, Vishnu Purana, Mahabharata and
the Padma Purana. There is the following reference in the Srimad Bhagavatam
(11.15.18). My dear Uddhava, you may know that My transcendental form of Vishnu
in Svetadvipa is identical with Me in divinity. Anyone who places this Lord of Svetadvipa
within his heart can surpass the pangs of the six material tribulations: hunger, thirst, birth,
death, lamentation and illusion. Thus one can attain his original transcendental form.