Page 39 - History of Tirupathi Balaji and comparison of Sri Vaishnava
P. 39
her, he created a heat that fi lled the entire universe. Ultimately, the warmth of
His love reached the heart of Lakshmi. She consulted Kapila muni about this
mysterious heat. Kapila muni explained, “Your beloved Lord is feeling separation from
you. He is performing tapasya to bring you back. You should go back to Him. I believe it
is your heartfelt desire. Why are you taking so seriously the offence of Bhrigu muni? The
action was the Lord’s plan. Even if Bhrigu muni committed an offence by jumping on His
chest, you should examine the result. Now the whole world knows that Lord Vishnu is the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. Bhrigu muni has established that fact beyond any doubt.
The result of his offence was meant to glorify Your Lord. He did a great service for the benefi t
of humanity to erase any confusion. You should go back to Him. Forgive Bhrigu muni and
serve your Lord Srinivasa’s desire to have your company.”
Lakshmi was pleased to hear the advice of Kapila muni. With a blissful heart,
she travelled through the stem of the lotus fl ower that the Lord installed in the
pond. She appeared on the whorl of the fl ower at the side of Srinivasa. Together
they were as effulgent as millions of suns. Srinivasa and Lakshmi gazed upon
each other. They were united again.
Bhrigu muni begs forgiveness of Lakshmi devi
Bhrigu muni approached the effulgent lotus fl ower as did many other
demigods, sages, saintly kings (rishis) and devotees. He offered his homage
again and again with tears of repentance and begged forgiveness from Lakshmi
for his terrible offence. Lakshmi smiled. She said, “You are forgiven. You have
done nothing wrong. This was all the will of My beloved Lord and you were just
an instrument of His desire.”
Understanding the plan of the Lord
Becoming an instrument of the Lord’s plan is the fulfi llment of human life.
Modern scientists and thinkers assume that nature is moving without a plan and
the entire material manifestation has come about by accident. These speculators
are lacking knowledge. There is a specifi c plan being carried out in this
material world. What is this plan? The material world is a sort of rehabilitation
opportunity for conditioned souls to become reformed and return back home to
Godhead, the eternal spiritual world.
All living entities originally have come from the spiritual world. They
misused their limited free will by becoming envious of the Supreme Lord and
desire to lord it over material nature. Such a desire in the mind of a resident of
the spiritual world will immediately make them fall down to the material world
and thus give up the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord. As one
increases the propensity to lord it over material nature, he becomes attached
to matter and the possession of matter. All the problems of material life are
due to these misdirected priorities of the living entity. As long as one has the
domineering mentality which makes him try to lord it over material nature, he is
conditioned. But anyone who can understand the plan of the Lord and cultivate
Krishna consciousness is on track to become free of the cycle of birth and death.
Arjuna refused to fi ght before the battle of Kurukshetra. But, after hearing