Page 34 - History of Tirupathi Balaji and comparison of Sri Vaishnava
P. 34

tested by fi re to prove her chastity. A great fi re was lit and Maya Sita (Vedavati)
        walked into to it voluntarily since she was absolutely sure that she did not forget
        her Lord Rama for even a second while living as a prisoner of Ravana. In the
        midst of the great fl ames of the fi re, Agni replaced the Maya Sita with the real
        Sita. He then walked out of the blazing fi re with Sita and handed Her back to
        Lord Rama. This ancient history is explained in the “Kurma Purana”.
                   Sita blesses Vedavati to marry her Lord in Kali yuga

            When Sita and Rama were in private, she described to her Lord how Vedavati
        rendered such sincere service and sacrifi ce by being held captive by Ravana in
        her place. Therefore, she beseeched the Lord to satisfy Vedavati’s ardent desire
        to become His wife. The Lord explained that in His incarnation as Lord Rama
        He must establish the principle of “eka patni vratah” or the vow of fi delity to
        only one wife. However, in the future in another incarnation, He would accept
        Vedavati as his wife. This transpired during the Treta yuga.  Vedavati patiently
        waited until the end of Treta yuga and the entire Dvapara yuga until Kali yuga
        for the Lord to incarnate so that he could accept her as His wife.

                     Vedavati appears in Kali yuga as Padmavati devi
            In the dynasty of the moon, there was a great king of the Chola family named
        Sudarma. He had two sons. Aksharaj and  Thondaman. The two brothers grew
        up and bonded together with brotherly love. When they were of age to take the
        responsibility of the kingdom, Sudarma accepted the renounced order of life. He
        divided his kingdom in half before he left and gave each of his sons one half to
        administrate. The two brothers had such love for each other that they decided
        to rule the kingdom together without dividing it. Sudarma went to the forest,
        never to return.
            Aksaraj was the elder brother. He ruled the citizens like a loving father, yet
        he still had one desire he wanted to fulfill. He wanted the blessing of having a
            With humility he approached the saintly Brahmanas, and begged them,
        “Please perform a yagna (sacrifi ce) for the purpose of having a child.” As part of
        the process of yagna the king had to plough several times around the yagnashala
        (sacrifi cial pit). When he ploughed the ground, his plough got caught on
        something in the ground. It was an effulgent, golden box that opened itself and
        reveled  an exquisite golden lotus fl ower. On the whorl of the lotus fl ower was
        an effulgent little baby girl, smiling and glancing mercifully upon everyone.
        Aksaraj picked up the little child and showed her to the Brahmans who were
        amazed. They said, Just as Janaka Maharaja found a baby girl who appeared from the
        earth. She was the Goddess of Fortune, Sita. In the same way the Goddess of Fortune has
        come again. Because she has been found lying on a lotus fl ower, her name will be Padmavati.
        This Padmavati was Vedavati the Maya Sita, who had taken birth again in the
            Aksaraj brought little Padmavati to his wife, Dharini. They raised her with
        great affection. When she came of marriageable age, it created a big problem
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