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is sustaining all these big planets and systems of galaxies. The word acintya (“inconceivable”) is very significant
in this connection. God’s energy is beyond our conception, beyond our thinking jurisdiction, and is therefore
called inconceivable (acintya). Who can argue this point? He pervades this material world and yet is beyond it.
We cannot comprehend even this material world, which is insignificant compared to the spiritual world – so how
can we comprehend what is beyond? Acintya means that which is beyond this material world, that which our
argument, logic and philosophical speculation cannot touch, that which is inconceivable. Therefore intelligent
persons, avoiding useless argument and speculation, should accept what is stated in scriptures like the Vedas,
Bhagavad-gītā and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and follow the principles they set down. This will lead one to
understanding. (Bg 8.9 – purport)
5-Then Lord Brahmā saw that kāla (the time factor), svabhāva (one’s own nature by association), saṁskāra
(reformation), kāma (desire), karma (fruitive activity) and the guṇas (the three modes of material nature), were
all completely subordinate to the potency of the Lord and had all taken forms and were also worshiping those
viṣṇu-mūrtis. (SB 10.13.53)
Brahma saw that everything is actually personal or personified such as kala, svabhava, samskara, kama, karma,
the gunas. All the personifications and all living entities either in the spiritual or material worlds are subordinate
to Lord Krishna. Only the Lord has complete independence. Everyone else including all the demigods (Brahma,
Siva and the rest), and all expansions of Lord Krishna beginning with Balarama, the catur vyuha (Vasudeva,
Sankarsana, Aniruddha, Pradyumna), the innumerable Narayana forms in Vaikuntha, the Vishnu forms in the
material world, the innumerable living enitities in the material and spiritual worlds and all avataras (except Lord
Krishna) are subordinate to Lord Krishna.
ekale īśvara kṛṣṇa, āra saba bhṛtya
yāre yaiche nācāya, se taiche kare nṛtya
Lord Kṛṣṇa alone is the supreme controller, and all others are His servants. They dance as He makes them do so.
(Cc. Adi 5.142)
Not one personality in the material or spiritual worlds is independent of Lord Krishna because everyone is a part
and parcel of the Lord. Brahma confirms that Lord Krishna is the origin of everything.
nārāyaṇas tvaṁ na hi sarva-dehinām / ātmāsy adhīśākhila-loka-sākṣī
nārāyaṇo ’ṅgaṁ nara-bhū-jalāyanāt / tac cāpi satyaṁ na tavaiva māyā
“O Lord of lords, You are the seer of all creation. You are indeed everyone’s dearest life. Are You not, therefore,
my father, Nārāyaṇa? ‘Nārāyaṇa’ refers to one whose abode is in the water born from Nara [Garbhodakaśāyī
Viṣṇu], and that Nārāyaṇa is Your plenary portion. All Your plenary portions are transcendental. They are
absolute and are not creations of māyā.” (SB 10.14.14)
Brahma knows from practical experience that Lord Krishna is the origin of Narayana. In the Brahma Samhita he
addresses Lord Krishna as follows:
īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ / sac-cid-ānanda-vigrahaḥ
anādir ādir govindaḥ / sarva-kāraṇa-kāraṇam