Page 6 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 6

consciousness is lacking in the dead body.

      Consciousness is not made from a combina on of material elements
      or chemicals. It is a non-material phenomenon a es ng the presence

      of the soul in the body. This is confirmed by Lord Krishna. He declares,
      “That  which  pervades  the  en re  body  you  should  know  to  be  inde-
      struc ble. No one is able to destroy that imperishable soul.” (Bg 2.17)

      One cannot see the soul, but everyone knows it is present by the con-
      sciousness present in the body. The body minus consciousness is dead,
      which means the soul is no longer present. The body is simply a mate-
      rial vehicle that is driven by the soul similar to a car driven by a living

      person.  The material body-vehicle moves because there is a soul pre-
      sent in the heart and all the energies for bodily movement emanate
      from the heart of the living being. Blood corpuscle cells which carry
      oxygen from the lungs receive energy from the soul. If the soul leaves
      the body at death, the produc on of blood cells ceases. The average

      rate of blood cell produc on is 200,000,000,000 per day which totals
      about a pint a week. This is a mysterious and incredible natural pro-

      Scien sts  have  not  been  able  to  steadily  produce  human  blood  alt-
      hough knowledge of the blood’s cons tuents is known. They are ex-
      perimen ng with stem cells of human blood to produce more blood.
      But they have not as yet fully tested such laboratory blood on human

      beings to see if it can be used safely. The mystery of blood produc on
      as well as any a empt at crea ng life from chemicals or dead ma er
      has  perplexed  scien sts.  Producing  blood  from  human  blood  stem
      cells is a process beginning with living cells produced by human beings
      used to produce more living cells. Life comes from life and not from
      dead ma er or chemicals.

      Whenever there is an a empt to find the origin of life, the scien sts

      are confounded by a display of incredible mys c power at the source
      of crea on. They can see the crea on of red blood cells under the mi-
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