Page 4 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 4
ample is the mistaken iden fica on of oneself as the body. Many peo-
ple do not accept the existence of the individual soul within the body.
They are convinced that they are the material body and consequently
they believe bodily pleasures should be the main concern of life.
How can one be the material body when it con nually changes during
the six phases of life: birth, growth, maintenance of the body, produc-
ing by-products like children, deteriora on, and death. One may ask the
ques on, “Which body am I? All living beings begin with a microscopic
body. No one can refute this fact.
The sperm produced by men can be either male or female. It is roughly
0.002 inch long. The niest object you can see with your unaided eyes
is about 0.0039 inch long, which is two mes bigger than the sperm. It
is not possible to see the sperm with the naked eye because of its mi-
croscopic size. All living beings begin as a microscopic speck that is im-
percep ble. Yet, the minute sperm carries the living en ty to an ovum
that provides the nutrients so that the living en ty in the body of the
sperm can grow into a fetus and eventually become a baby that will be
pushed out of the womb. From concep on in the womb (sperm /ovum
union), the human being grows and eventually becomes a child, adoles-
cent, adult, middle age, old age and death. This is the cycle of life dur-
ing which the body drama cally changes at every stage.
One cannot say I am this body because the body is always changing. But
the person within the body observes all the changes. The observer of
the changes is the real person, the eternal soul. The conscious aware-
ness of the changes indicates the perceiver is different than the chang-
ing body. If I see something, then what I see is not me. I am the seer
and the object is the seen by the process of seeing. All three things are
supplied by God (Krishna), namely, the seer, the seen and the process
of seeing.
Who set up the process of crea on of a microscopic sperm, an ovum,
the growth in a protec ve womb, pushing out the baby, etc. This is a