Page 54 - Metaphysical questions of life
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sion, his ac vi es are troublesome; and when the mind is in the mode
      of ignorance, he travels in the lower species of life. It is clear, however,
      in this verse, that the condi oned soul is covered by the material body,
      with the mind and the senses, and when he is liberated this material
      covering perishes, but his spiritual body manifests itself in its individual
      capacity. The following informa on is there in the Mādhyandināyana-
      śru :  sa  vā  eṣa  brahma-niṣṭha  idaṁ  śarīraṁ  martyam  a sṛjya
      brahmābhisampadya  brahmaṇā  paśya   brahmaṇā  śṛṇo   brah-
      maṇaivedaṁ sarvam anubhava . It is stated here that when a living
      en ty gives up this material embodiment and enters into the spiritual
      world, he revives his spiritual body, and in his spiritual body he can see
      the  Supreme  Personality  of  Godhead  face  to  face.  He  can  hear  and
      speak to Him face to face, and he can understand the Supreme Person-
      ality as He is. From smṛ  also it is understood, vasan  yatra puruṣāḥ
      sarve  vaikuṇṭha-mūrtayaḥ:  in  the  spiritual  planets  everyone  lives  in
      bodies featured like the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s. As far as
      bodily  construc on  is  concerned,  there  is  no  difference  between  the
      part-and-parcel living en  es and the expansions of viṣṇu-mūr . In oth-
      er  words,  at  libera on  the  living  en ty  gets  a  spiritual  body  by  the
      grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”

      “The  words  mamaivāṁśaḥ  (“fragmental  parts and  parcels  of  the  Su-
      preme Lord”) are also very significant. The fragmental por on of the
      Supreme Lord is not like some material broken part. We have already
      understood  in  the  Second  Chapter  that  the  spirit  cannot  be  cut  into
      pieces. This fragment is not materially conceived. It is not like ma er,
      which can be cut into pieces and joined together again. That concep-
       on    is    not    applicable    here,    because    the    Sanskrit
      word sanātana (“eternal”) is used. The fragmental por on is eternal. It
      is also stated in the beginning of the Second Chapter that in each and
      every  individual  body  the  fragmental  por on  of  the  Supreme  Lord is
      present (dehino ’smin yathā dehe). That fragmental por on, when lib-
      erated from the bodily entanglement, revives its original spiritual body
      in the spiritual sky in a spiritual planet and enjoys associa on with the
      Supreme Lord. It is, however, understood here that the living en ty, be-
      ing the fragmental part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, is qualita vely
      one  with  the  Lord,  just  as  the  parts  and  parcels  of  gold  are  also
      gold.”  (Bg 15.7 – Purport)

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