Page 33 - Yearbook
P. 33
Radhastami Celebration 2013: Radha rani is known as
Madana-Mohana Mohini. Krishna (as the Supreme Person) is the
enchanter of all living beings, including even kamadeva (Madana) -
The god of attraction. Because Radha has the unique position of
being able to enchant even Krishna she is therefore known as
Madana-Mohana-Mohini: the enchanter of the enchanter of Cupid.
Vedic Cultural Center celebrated Radhastami (The divine appear-
ance day of Srimati Radharani) on Thursday (Sept 12th). Srimati
Radharani is the eternal consort of Lord Sri Krsna, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. She appeared to Vrishabhanu Maharaj (her
father) in the village of Rawal a fortnight after Lord Sri Krsna’s ap-
pearance. Radhastami is a very special day for all the Gaudiya
Vaishnavas, as by obtaining the mercy of Srimati Radharani one
can easily achieve Krsna-prema. In fact, Srimati Radharani is Lord
Sri Krsna’s dear most servant, and is His pleasure potency. Srimati
Radharani's glorious birth occurred on the eighth day of the bright
moon in the month of Bhadra. Although generally not full on that
day, the moon appeared full to celebrate Radharani's appearance
in this world. Among all of Lord Krsna’s consorts in Sri Vrinda-
vana, Srimati Radharani is the dearest one. In fact, She is the
queen of Vrndavana. On this very auspicious day, devotees seek-
ing Lord Sri Krsna's grace will especially ask Srimati Radharani to
grant them devotion to Her beloved Lord (Sri Krsna), knowing that
if they can attain Her favor, then they can easily attain the favor of
Lord Sri Krsna, as a natural consequence. Radha rani is the inter-
nal energy of the lord and we are marginal energies of the lord. If
we are to stop the unnecessary attraction of matter and get at-
tracted to the lord we should take shelter of Radha Rani.