Page 11 - History of Tirupathi Balaji and comparison of Sri Vaishnava
P. 11
Bhrigu committed three types of offenses
Bhrigu offended Brahma mentally by remaining silent and not offering him
any respect. Similarly, He insulted Siva by using insulting words; and Lord
Vishnu, by physically stepping on His body. Each offense was progressively
more offensive. The physical offense to Lord Vishnu was the most egregious
of all. Bhrigu returned to the sages and devas (demigods) who were anxiously
awaiting the report of his fi ndings. After hearing him, the sages and devas
concluded that Lord Vishnu is the Supreme God because the Lord was not
agitated at all in spite of being kicked by Bhrigu. Brahma and Siva, however,
were immediately angered.
This information provided to the sages and demigods by Bhrigu is very
important for all persons interested in attaining freedom from the cycle of birth
and death. In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna says, This divine energy of Mine (the
material nature), consisting of the three modes of material nature, is diffi cult to overcome.
But those who are surrendered to Me can easily cross over it. (Bg 7.14) It is important
to know who among the three most powerful persons in the material universe
is actually transcendental to the modes of material nature (goodness, passion
and ignorance). Bhrigu’s research made it evident that Brahma was infl uenced
slightly by the mode of passion that he gave into momentarily. But, he was
able to control it by his superior intelligence. Siva, however, became enraged
due to the infl uence of the mode of ignorance. He forgot that Bhrigu was his
own brother due to his anger. He was about to strike Bhrigu when his wife
Parvati stopped him by appealing to him to spare him. Lord Vishnu was not
even slightly infl uenced by any of the modes of nature because He manifested
sublime behavior by not only forgiving Bhrigu but also apologizing to him for
the hardness of His chest that might have been painful to the feet of the sage.
Only Lord Krishna or His plenary expansions such as Lord Vishnu give
Lord Krishna, who is the origin of Brahma, Siva and Lord Vishnu, says,
Know that all states of being — be they of goodness, passion or ignorance — are manifested
by My energy. I am, in one sense, everything, but I am independent. I am not under the modes
of material nature, for they, on the contrary, are within Me.(Bg 7.12) The three modes
of material nature infl uence and control all activities of the living entities in the
material world who are not completely free of material desires and work. These
modes are controlled by the Supreme Lord. He is never under their infl uence.
Krishna is referred to as “Nirguna” meaning He is without any infl uence of the
material modes although they emanate from Him and are under His control.
It is impossible for those who are bewildered by the modes to understand the
Supreme Lord Krishna or His activities and pastimes. Therefore, Lord Krishna
says, “Deluded by the three modes [goodness, passion and ignorance], the
whole world does not know Me, who am above the modes and inexhaustible.”
(Bg 7.13)
All the living entities in the material world are bewildered by the modes of
material nature. They have forgotten the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One