Page 10 - History of Tirupathi Balaji and comparison of Sri Vaishnava
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cycle of birth and death. Lord Krishna emphasizes this crucial point, “One who
knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the
body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.”
(Bg 4.9)
Bhrigu Muni chosen to test Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu
Bhrigu muni was chosen to test the Trimurtis (Brahma, Siva and Lord
Vishnu) because he was the son of Brahma, the brother of Siva and the most
prominent priest who worshipped Lord Vishnu.
He fi rst went to Brahma’s abode, Satyaloka. When Lord Brahma saw him
coming, he was so happy because the sage was his son. Bhrigu purposely didn’t
offer respect to his father, nor respectful words of praise. Such negligence
was very disrespectful and offensive. When Brahma saw that his son did not
acknowledge him at all, he became very angry due to his quality of passion.
However, Brahma was able to control his anger with his intelligence because
Bhrigu was his son. Seeing that Brahma was affected by passion, Bhrigu left
him and went to see Lord Siva, his brother.
Siva and his wife Parvati were glad to welcome Bhrigu at their abode on
Mount Kailasa. Siva approached Bhrigu to embrace him, but Bhrigu stepped
back and said, “My dear brother, you are always impure. You smear your body
with the ashes of dead people. Please do not touch me.” Hearing this, Siva
became very angry due to his being infl uenced by the quality of ignorance. His
eyes became red. In a fi t of rage he picked up his trident and charged toward
Bhrigu to kill him. Parvati fell down at Siva’s feet and begged him with gentle
words appealing to his quality of goodness to spare the life of his brother. Due
to his wife’s entreaties, Siva did not continue to pursue Bhrigu, who immediately
left for the abode of Lord Vishnu.
The Lord lives on an island called Svetadvipa which is in the ocean of milk
somewhere inside the material universe. He lies on a bed of fl owers on the coils
of Ananta Sesa, the transcendental snake who serves the Lord, in the company
of His wife Lakshmi devi. She massages His lotus feet while He rests.
As soon as Bhrigu came near Lord Vishnu, he purposely committed the
most egregious sin by jumping on His chest so hard that he left the impression
of his two feet permanently there. It is known as Sri Vatsa. Lord Vishnu did not
become angry because He considered Bhrigu a cherished Brahman priest.
In the Vedic tradition, Brahman priests are excused even if they commit
an offense. Lord Vishnu set the example of such merciful treatment toward
Brahmans. The Lord addressed Bhrigu, My chest has now become sanctifi ed because
of the touch of your feet, and I am now assured that the Goddess of Fortune, Lakshmi, will
be very glad to live there perpetually. I think your feet are so soft like a rose, but My chest
is as hard as a thunderbolt. If I caused you any pain, let me gently massage your lotus feet.
This expression of genuine humility of Lord Vishnu touched the heart of Bhrigu.
He was choked up with emotion and unable to reply to the gentle words of the
Lord. Tears welled up in his eyes as he remained respectfully silent.