Page 25 - Powerful Feminine Qualities
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with his own sense gratification certainly falls down from the service of Krishna. Being attracted by material happiness,
he later joins the prakrta-sahajiyas (materialistic pseudo-devotees), who are considered to be non-devotees.”
Radharani explains further, “If a gopi envious of Me satisfies Krishna and Krishna desires her, I shall not hesitate to go
to her house and become her maidservant, for then My happiness will be awakened.” (CC Antya 20. 56)
The above verses were Lord Caitanya’s reflections on Radharani’s earnest feeling of complete sacrifice for Her Lord
Krishna. These thoughts were in the context of the thoughts one should cultivate when chanting the Hare Krishna
Mahamantra, “One who thinks himself lower than the grass, who is more tolerant than a tree, and who does not
expect personal honor but is always prepared to give all respect to others can very easily always chant the holy name
of the Lord.” (Siksastakam #3) Then Lord Caitanya mentions the par excellent example of Silavati, “The wife of a
Brahmana suffering from leprosy manifested herself as the topmost of all chaste women by serving a prostitute to
satisfy her husband. She thus stopped the movement of the sun, brought her dead husband back to life and satisfied
the three principle demigods (Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesvara).” (CC Antya 20.57)
Although Silavati’s example is one of a woman in the material world attached to her fallen husband. What is
exemplary is her absolute chastity and faithfulness to her husband. Her example is extreme, but it indicates the
transformative power of a chaste woman who serves her husband unconditionally without personal motives other
than to please him through selfless service. Eventually her husband had a change of consciousness because of his
wife’s purity of desire for his welfare and her unwavering service. This is only possible because she was a devotee.
The will power to be a chaste wife is possible only if one is completely dedicated to serving Krishna under the
protection and instruction of bona fide Vaishnava gurus. Srila Prabhupada writes in his commentary to the above
verse, “The example is given (of Silavati) herein to emphasize that a devotee should engage himself exclusively for the
satisfaction of Krishna, without personal motives. That will make his life successful.” (CC Antya 20.57 – purport)
Silavati’s example of complete surrender to please her husband is used by Lord Caitanya to indicate that the purity of
Radharani’s love for Krishna is similarly unconditional without the slightest tinge of Her personal sense gratification.
Srila Prabhupada has given many instructions how a husband and wife can live peacefully and happily in married life.
He has said, “The husband's duty is to give the wife all protection, even from the material maya, and the wife's duty is
to see to the personal comforts of the husband. In this way the husband and wife in cooperative spirit should execute
Krishna Consciousness. That is my mission. In your country, practically everyone has no home life. So this Krishna
Consciousness movement is giving them home life and the chance to live peacefully with wife and family.” (Letter to
Gaurasundara -- Los Angeles 16 January, 1969)
By pleasing the spiritual master, one receives the mercy of Krishna; without pleasing the spiritual master, one
cannot make spiritual advancement
Laxmiamaal was married to a humble Brahmana who was materially poor, but spiritually elevated. Both the Brahmana
and his wife were disciples of Ramanujacarya , to whom they dedicated their lives through service and constant
remembrance. Their poverty did not inconvenience them because of their daily observance of spiritual duties. They
lived within their means, and were happily content to serve their guru Ramanujacarya humbly and without
ostentation. They were so poor that they had never visited the famous temple of Sri Rangam, Ramanujacarya ’s place
of residence.
One day Ramanujacarya and many of his disciples visited her village and knocked on her door. Although her husband
was not at home, she opened the door. She was overwhelmed with joy to see her guru face to face. She immediately
invited her guru to her humble dwelling and proceeded to wash his feet (pada puja). After her respectful and reverent
welcome, Ramanujacarya informed her that he desired to have lunch served. Laxmiamaal was thrilled and welcomed
the honor to serve her guru’s desire.
Ramanujacarya always travelled with a thousand disciples (men and women). Laxmiamaal was prepared to do
anything to please her guru. She considered his request as the best way to please him by serving holy food prepared
with her love and devotion. She considered how she could procure the necessary food items to feed a sumptuous