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like  mother Yasoda who  can  tie Krishna  and  punish  Him.  This  would  be  impossible if  she was  aware  that
        Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Krishna accepts a subordinate position to His devotee Arjuna
        and drives Arjuna’s chariot under his devotee’s orders. Nanda Maharaja assumes the position of a protective
        father  and  carries  the  new  born  baby  Krishna  from  Mathura  to  Vrindaban  to  save  His  life.  These  are
        transcendental pastimes of the Lord and His intimate devotees that are incomprehensible for non-devotees.

        Mundane  materialist  scholars,  poets,  writers,  philosophers  and  all  speculators  cannot  understand  the
        transcendental  pastime  of  Lord  Krishna  because  they  are  under  the  illusory  influence  of  maya,  Krishna’s
        material energy and its mandated supervisor Durga, who is the servant of the Lord.

        One  may  attain  material  prosperity  by  performance  of  pious  activities.  Yet,  it  is  not  possible  to  attain
        devotional service for Lord Krishna by mere pious acts. This includes giving charity, opening big hospitals and
        schools  or  engaging  in  philantrophy.  Pure  devotional  service  is  reacheable  only  by  the  mercy  of  pure
        devotees.  By  means  of  uninterrupted  devotional  service,  the  disciple  is  blessed  with  freedom  from  the
        contaminating forces of the three modes of nature.

        Pious activities bring about material opulence, but one cannot acquire devotional service by any amount of
        material pious activity, not by giving charity, opening big hospitals and schools or working philanthropically.
        Devotional service can be attained only by the mercy of pure devotees.


        The  powerful  personalities  in  this  world  who  ignore  the  unique  position  of  Lord  Krishna  as  the  Supreme
        Personality of Godhead, fall under the influence of maya (illusion). Krishna confirms this:

                              tribhir guṇa-mayair bhāvair / ebhiḥ sarvam idaṁ jagat
                              mohitaṁ nābhijānāti / mām ebhyaḥ param avyayam

        Deluded by the three modes (goodness, passion and ignorance) the whole world does not know Me, who am
        above the modes and inexhaustible.  (Bg 7.13)
        Misled by maya, such influencial persons in the material world fancy themselves as powerful dominators and
        pretenders to be like a god. They see everything in terms of I, me and mine: everything belongs to me or will
        belong  to  me,  I  am  perfect  and  invincible,  all  should  surrender  to  me.  This  false  mindset  has  become
        prominent today and it results in the hard struggle for existence.

        Those who have been blessed to have the association of pure devotees.  understand that Lord Krishna is the
        ultimate source of everything. They naturally accept that real knowledge is knowing how to use everything in
        the service of the Lord for His pleasure and for the general welfare of all humanity. By entering into a personal
        relationship of love and devotion with the Lord, one becomes satisfied with the blessings of the Lord whether
        good or bad, and begins to experience uninterrupted peace of mind, which is the platform from which one can
        enter into the fourth dimension of reality.

        Lord Krishna is always joyuful. His activities are completely transcendental. He exists in the fourth dimension
        wherein existence and everything else is unlimited The Lord is not attached to the temporary goings-on in the
        material world.

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