Page 38 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
P. 38
tures one will not get the highest truth, for the highest truth surpasses
all reasoning power. Only the devotees, by My mercy, can understand.”
Hearing the words of the Lord, Ramanuja was moved with prema
(love). “Lord, your lila (pas mes) are truly astounding. The scriptures
cannot know your opulence. Why is not Gauranga lila described clearly
in the scriptures? When I closely examine the sru and puranas, I find
some hint of the Gauranga Ta va only. Now, however, I am ready to
serve your order for all doubts are gone. If it is your desire, I will go to
Navadvipa and preach Gaura lila throughout the three worlds, giving
evidence from the hidden scriptures to all the people, conver ng all to
devo onal service to Gauranga. Please instruct me.”
Jagannatha said, “Ramanuja, do not broadcast this now. Keep the eso-
teric Gaura lila secret. Only a er He has finished His lila will the general
public receive it. Preach for Me on the level of dasya rasa (servitude),
while in your heart worship Gauranga constantly.”
Taking the advice of the Lord, Ramanuja secretly cultured his a rac on
for Navadvipa. Narayana, being merciful, led Ramanuja to Vaikuntha,
and there showed him his transcendental form served by Sri, Bhu and
Nila. Ramanuja thought himself fortunate to obtain this darshan, but
instantly the figure changed to that of Gaurasundara (Lord Caitanya),
the son of Jagannatha Misra. Ramanuja swooned at the brilliance of the
form. Gauranga put His lotus feet on Ramanuja’s head. Ramanuja, di-
vinely inspired recited prayers of praise.
“I must see Gaura’s actual lila on earth. I can never leave Navadvipa!”
Gauranga said, “Your wish will be fulfilled, son of Kesava. When the
Nadiya lila will be revealed in the future, you will take birth here again.”
Gauranga disappeared. Ramanuja, contented, resumed his journey.
A er some days he arrived at Kurma Sthana and with his disciples and
con nued his preaching. During his life he preached dasya rasa
throughout the South of India, while internally he was absorbed in
Gaura lila. By Gauranga’s mercy, he was later born in Navadvipa as the
devotee Ananta.
These confiden al truths are revealed by the Vaisnava acaryas so that