Page 37 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
P. 37

The following narra on is from the Navadvipa Mahatmya (glorifica on

     of the appearance place of Lord Caitanya in Bengal). It describes the
     mys cal  discussion  between  Ramanujacarya  with  Lord  Jagannatha  (a
     Deity of Lord Krishna)  in Puri. The Lord inspired him to go to Navadvipa
     privately and meet Lord Caitanya 300 years before the Lord appeared
     to receive His benedic on.

     Ramanujacarya visited came to Jagannath Puri. He pleased Lord Jagan-
     nath with choice verses of glorifica on spoken with genuine love and
     devo on.  Jagannatha  appeared  before  him  and  said,  “go  and  see
     Navadvipa Dhama, for soon I shall appear there in the house of Jagan-
     natha Misra.”

     “Navadvipa is My very dear Dhama (transcendental abode), situated in
     one place in the spiritual sky. As My eternal servant and a leading devo-
     tee, you should see Navadvipa. Let your students, who are absorbed in
     dasya rasa, stay here, and you go alone. Any living being who does not
     see Navadvipa has been born uselessly. Just one por on of Navadvipa
     contains Ranga, Venkata, and Yadava Acala. Therefore go to Navadvipa
     and see the form of Gauranga. You have come to the earth to preach
     bhak , so let your birth be successful with the mercy of Gaura. From
     Navadvipa, go to Kurma Sthana, and there join again with your disci-

     Joining his hands, Ramanuja made a request to Jagannatha. “You have
     mercifully men oned Gauranga, but exactly who He is I do not know.”
     Lord  Jagannath  answered,  “Everyone  knows  the  master  of  Goloka,
     Krishna. That Krishna, whose vilasa mur  (pas me expansion)  is Nara-
     yana, is the supreme truth, residing in Vrndavana. That Krishna is fully
     manifested in the form of Gauranga, and Navadvipa Dhama is the same
     as Vrndavana. This Navadvipa is the topmost abode, situated beyond
     the material universe, and in that  place Gauranga stays eternally. By
     My mercy that Dhama has come to exist within Bhu Mandala, yet re-
     maining unaffected by maya. This is the verdict of scripture. And if you
     think that Navadvipa is only a material loca on, then your devo on will
     perish.  By  My  will,  My  inconceivable  energy  preserves  this  full tran-
     scendental dhama within the material world. Simply by reading scrip-

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