Page 25 - Yearbook
P. 25

Glimpses of Anandamela 2013.

Dear Harivilasji,
Raji and I thoroughly enjoyed our time at Anandamela.
Organizing such a large-scale event involving many con-
stituents and multiple programs is clearly a great chal-
lenge. Your leadership skills and the contribution of so
many volunteers coordinated under your vision and well-
defined goals is a great lesson in management.
Let me echo the community's sentiment and offer my
heartfelt thanks for your continuing contribution to the
community both at the secular and the spiritual levels.
Thanks also for the gift of the Mother Ganga text authored
by Jaya Vijaya Dasa and the various other booklets that
you have compiled. Look forward to reviewing them all in
the weeks ahead.
Please let me know what are some convenient dates when
we can visit the new temple site and the farm.
Warmest regards.
Dr. Ramanathan
Professor and Former Chairman of Accounting
University of Washington Business School
Seattle, WA 98195.

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