Page 4 - History of Tirupathi Balaji and comparison of Sri Vaishnava
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large gathering of sages asked the most prominent saint named Suta Goswami
to tell the story of the incarnation of Lord Balaji that would appear in the future.
He narrated the following.
Once a liberated saintly personality named Narada Muni (muni means
sage), who could travel at will through interstellar space, visited Brahma at his
abode called Brahmaloka which is the highest material planet in this universe.
Brahma is the grandsire and chief administrator of the entire material universe.
He previously received the knowledge from Lord Krishna, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead who is the origin and creator of everything material
and spiritual, to set in motion the material creation. Lord Krishna expands the
material energy meaning all the ingredients like earth, water, fi re, air, space,
mind, intelligence and ego and an infi nite number of individual living entities
from His own potencies. Then he instructs Brahma how to populate the universe
with living entities that appear in different species and bodies and expand the
material nature.
Brahma becomes the secondary creator. He receives all the ingrediants from
Lord Krishna who is the primary creator. The sage Narada is one of the many
sons of Lord Brahma. Narada has the power to go anywhere and everywhere in
the material or spiritual world at his will. He can travel to the spiritual world and
back to the earth in a few minutes. This is a manifestation of incredible mystic
power due to his unalloyed devotion to Lord Krishna.
When Narada visited his father, he noticed that Brahma was deeply
concerned about the plight of people in the coming age of time known as Kali,
the age of hypocrisy and quarrel. Brahma said, People in the age of Kali will be
bewildered by material desires. There will be rampant pollution and sin everywhere. What
hope will they have? We must pray for a special incarnation (avatar) of Lord Krishna to
preside somewhere on this earth planet to facilitate the living entities in their development of
pure love and devotion for the Lord.
In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna says, Whenever and wherever there is a
decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata (Arjuna), and a predominant rise
of irreligion — at that time I descend Myself. To deliver the pious and to annihilate the
miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium
after millennium (Bg 4.7-8) In the age of Kali, many atheists will create
disturbances to the devotees who follow the principles of religion. The Lord
incarnates to protect his devotees and diminish the infl uence of those who
oppose the principles of religious practice.
Lord Brahma, continued, “Narada Muni, I am giving you an assignment.
Somehow or other, by your creative genius, devise a means of bringing Lord
Vishnu to this earth.”
The infi nite expansions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
We have already said that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. The term Godhead is very signifi cant when we broach the question
of who is God. It means the original Personality of God and everything that