Page 25 - History of Tirupathi Balaji and comparison of Sri Vaishnava
P. 25
In the golden age of Satya Yuga, there were two twin brothers named
Hiranyaksa and Hiranya Kasipu who were terrible demons. Hiranyaksa was
so powerful that he was able to dislodge the entire Earth planet from its orbit
and hurl it into the depths of the Garbhodaka ocean that fi lls half of the material
uiniverse. All the living entities including the demigods were powerless against
the powerful demon. The demigods approached Brahma for help. Brahma
prayed to the Supreme Lord Vishnu. During his prayer, a very small boar (wild
pig) emerged from his nose. The boar incarnation of the Lord is called Varaha
avatar. He was no more than the size of a thumb, but He began to grow at an
amazing pace until it was bigger than a massive mountain. Although appearing
as a boar, this special incarnation of the Lord was actually very attractive.
Varaha manifested all opulence of the Supreme Lord such as power,
knowledge, beauty, fame, wealth and renunciation. His enchanting beauty
surpassed anything imaginable for those who witnessed His mysterious
appearance and growth. Varaha lifted the Earth planet with His tusks from the
depth of the universal ocean. Hiranyaksa tried to stop Him. A harrowing battle
ensued during which Varaha killed Hiranyaksa and safely returned the Earth to
her orbit in space. The presiding deity of the Earth, Bhudevi, prayed to Varaha
to accept her as His consort and live always on the Earth planet in an auspicious
place. The Lord chose to stay on top of the Tirumala Hills with His consort
Bhudevi. Another name for the area where Varaha lives with His eternal consort
is Varaha Ksetra or Sheshacala, the seven scared mountains.
Lord Srinivasa meets Lord Varaha
When Srinivasa met Varaha deva, He asked Him for a place where He
could live in the Tirumala Hills. Varaha deva satisfi ed His wish. Lord Srinivasa
said, “I will pay rent for your generous gift of land. Since I am poor, I will
pay you by teaching my devotees that come here to worship Me to fi rst offer
their worship and respect to You, dear Lord Varaha.” This amazing encounter
evokes transcendental feelings and appreciation of the inconceivable potencies
and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead on the part of devotees
of the Lord. This is an example of Lord Caitanya’s explanation of the Absolute
Truth. He described it as acintya bhedabheda tattva – the Absolute Truth is
simultaneously and inconceivably one and different. Lord Varaha is a lila avatar
(pastime incarnation) of Lord Krishna. Lord Srinivasa is a plenary purusa
incarnation of Lord Krishna. They encounter each other and relate to each other
in a transcendental pastime that is ultimately meant to benefi t all humanity.
Only genuine devotees of the Lord can appreciate this simultaneous oneness
and difference. The spiritual reality manifests simultaneous identity (Srinvasa
and Varaha are one) and individuality (yet they appear as different individuals).
Lord Krishna is the source of everything material and spiritual. Due to the
limitation of our senses of perception, we are presently not be able to perceive
spiritual reality in the proper perspective. We commit the mistake of “atmavan
manyate jagat” which means one thinks others to be like oneself. Humans beings
have limited powers. When they hear about or see God they think He also must