Page 4 - Ancient Armenia:Sanskrit 'Harers' and the 'Vetz Hazaria' Vedas
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and pa ently hearing the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam while being
engaged in pure devo onal service, one can a ain real knowledge of God.
This should be done without any nge of selfish interest such as material ben-
efits, sense gra fica on, specula on or a ainment of mys cal powers. As one
progresses in hearing regularly, asking ques ons and serving, Lord Krishna
reveals the understanding of spiritual knowledge from the heart.
I s ll had doubts. There were troubling ques ons: which scripture is bona
fide, who are the previous saints in the disciplic succession and who is a genu-
ine, present spiritual master or teacher capable of instruc ng me and what
are the qualifica ons by which one can recognize and confirm such a teacher?
I was in a dilemma with these ques ons because many tradi onal religions
have their own scripture, disciplic lineage and present teachers. Which one
was the right one and how does this coincide with the Vetz Hazaria?
Once I took a serious interest in Vedic Knowledge and the process to receive
it, I decided to join a Hare Krishna temple ashram and submit myself to
selfless devo on with no expecta ons. The experience of the temple and the
associa on of sincere devotees put me back into harmony with God and na-
ture. I changed from being God’s compe tor to becoming God’s servant. This
transformed my percep on of reality and how I related to the world and oth-
A er 40 years on this journey of surrender, I began to discover more details
about the Vetz Hazaria. I became acquainted with the work of an Armenian
scholar named Gevork Nazaryan. Please look at the webpage named Armeni-
an Highlands. Then look at the Encyclopedia and click on it. Then click on Saint
Mesrop Mashtots and then click on the Renewal. Somewhere in the middle of
the ar cle with many illustra ons about the genesis of the Armenian alpha-
bet, it is men oned that the Armenian saint Mesrop Mashtots did research
for crea ng an Armenian alphabet in the ancient pre-Chris an Mehrian mon-
asteries, where Mihr the deity of light (the sun) and truth was venerated. Naz-
aryan men oned that priests in these ancient temples in or near ancient Ar-
menia recited Vedic mantras in Sanskrit called Harers to a ain spiritual con-
sciousness. He pointed out that these same ancient mantras are preserved
today in the Hare Krishna Mahamantra - Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna
Krishna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. This was