Page 10 - Story of Lord Jagannath’s Appearance
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three hours a day. The rest of the me, let the doors be open so that
all the residents of the universe may have access to see You. Further,
let it be that all day long Your ea ng may go on and that Your lotus fin‐
gers may thus never become dry.”
Lord Jagannatha replied, “Tathastu,so be it. And for yourself, what
benedic on do you ask?”
The King replied, “So that no one in the future will be able to claim
Your temple as his own property, I desire to be without descendants.
Kindly just grant me this one benedic on.”
Lord Jagannatha replied, “ Tathastu,so be it.”
Thus the merciful Lord Jagannatha, Subhadra and Balarama appeared
in this material world to benefit all living beings. What is the benefit
They bestow? That is stated in the Narada Purana (U. Kh.52.12):
pra mam tatra tam drishtva
svayam devena nirmitam
anayasena vai yan
bhavanam me tato narah
The Supreme Lord Narayana tells Lakshmi‐devi, “In that great abode
known as Purusho ama‐kshetra, which is rarely achieved among all
the three worlds, the Keshava Deity, who was fashioned by the Su‐
preme Lord Himself, is situated. If men simply see that Deity, they are
easily able to come to My abode.” In this way Lord Jagannatha is deliv‐
ering the whole universe, especially as He rides on His cart before the
eyes of all. Therefore I offer my prostrated obeisances to Lord Jagan‐
natha, Subhadra and Balarama on the occasion of Their chariot ride
and pray for Them to forgive me for any offenses I have commi ed in
my clumsy a empt to describe Their glorious appearance.