Page 39 - Ananda Mela 2017 eBook
P. 39
Message from the Ar s c Director
Gree ngs! On July 29 and 30 , Redmond City Hall
campus will be brimming with gaiety of fes val‐goers
partaking in Ananda Mela: Joyful Fes val of India.
Vedic Cultural Center (VCC) of Sammamish
collaborates with the City of Redmond to bring the
8 edi on of this popular a rac on. The founder and
visionary leader of Ananda Mela, Harry Terhanian,
and dozens of dedicated volunteers of VCC have
worked year‐round to offer this beau ful fes val to Redmond’s
residents and visitors this weekend.
Ananda Mela strives to present the immense breadth and depth of
Indian arts and culture. We realize this goal with intricately cra ed
displays, entertainment on mul ple stages, par cipatory ac vi es
involving a endees of all ages and cultural backgrounds, and other
experiences including tasty food and irresis ble shopping.
Fes val grounds open at 12 noon on July 29 and 30 . Programs on
the Ganga Stage and Yamuna Stage feature dances and music by
groups as well as individual ar sts. The program items cover a wide
range of classical‐, folk‐ and popular dance and music tradi ons from
different parts of India, as well as yoga demonstra on and magic
On Saturday, The Mayapuris, musicians and dancers from Utah, will
be performing from 6 to 9 pm. On Sunday, audiences will be treated to
an assortment of folk dances (including bhangra) and ever‐popular
tunes by DJ Anjali and the Incredible Kid from Portland, from 5 to 7
pm. There will also be the Aloha Bhangra Dance Contest for audience
members dancing during this show! The grand prize is a free two‐night
vaca on for two to Hawaii. The Mayapuris will perform again from 7
to 8:30 p.m. on Sunday.
You will love the extensive array of colorful visual treats and
tradi onal decora ons. A must‐see special display is that of a Vedic
village, a model of a fully self‐sustaining and environmentally‐friendly
tradi onal Indian community. As well, please be sure to say hello to