Page 43 - Ananda Mela 2016- Joyful Festival of India
P. 43
Ananda Mela 2016: Message from the Ar s c Director
On July 30 th and 31 st , Redmond City Hall will wear a fes ve look, resplendent with
thousands of cheerful folk partaking in Ananda Mela: Joyful Fes val of India.
Programs on the Ganga Stage and Yamuna Stage feature dances and music by
groups as well as individual ar sts. The main event on the Ganga Stage on Saturday
features Anita and Friends, trea ng you to an assortment of Punjabi urban, folk and
sufi songs. On Sunday July 31 st , Deep and Friends will regale you with Punjabi folk
and Cel c dances.
The bonus a rac on at the Sunday show is the Aloha Bhangra Dance Contest. Win-
ners will be chosen from dancing audiences to receive gi cer ficates, the grand
prize being a vaca on for two to Hawaii!
This year, we present a must-see special display of a Vedic village, a model of a fully-
self-sustaining and environmentally-friendly tradi onal Indian community. The
theme of this display is ancient wisdom for modern sustainability. Also please be
sure to visit the special display on Ganges (Ganga), the best-known holy river of In-
We have introduced several interes ng contests this year! Add delicious food from
diverse regions of India, and bouncies for children, and what you have is an enter-
taining and memorable cultural experience for people of all ages and na onal ori-
We thank & KUOW for grant support.
Welcome to Ananda Mela!
Latha Sambamur
Ar s c Director, Ananda Mela